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Using the BT Smarthub 6 on a Plusnet Account

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Re: Using the BT Smarthub 6 on a Plusnet Account

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Re: Using the BT Smarthub 6 on a Plusnet Account


 The Smarthub 088315 is a Business version It works on Plusnet and has the added advantage of having additional setting options such as the option to set your own choice of DNS servers. The set up instructions for one is here.

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Re: Using the BT Smarthub 6 on a Plusnet Account

Thanks for replying to my question. Ok, I followed your guide to setting up hub and it worked a treat. One thing though if the hh6 is as good as people say why separate the 2.4 from the 5ghz? That just reduces the range as I thought the idea was for better range and more stable line. I have left the 2.4/5ghz synced and so far range is good and not one line drop off, compared to Plusnet hub which was very frequent and every day. When doing line speed checks which I know are not a true reflection on performance but Plusnet hub returned when running ok 36/38mbps but hh6 30mbps but works and performance seems very good. Any tips or further guidance appreciated. Thanks
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Re: Using the BT Smarthub 6 on a Plusnet Account

Some devices (often Apple) have issues when they're not split.
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Re: Using the BT Smarthub 6 on a Plusnet Account

Hi has anyone tried the bt smart hub 2 yet with plusnet , as thinking of buying one
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Re: Using the BT Smarthub 6 on a Plusnet Account

I have had problems with Plusnet hub dropping off multiple times a day, became unusable and resorted to using phones 4g for reliability. After reading other customers problems with said hub I also bought a bt business hub 6 and followed setup details given by a kind forum member, the only setting I did not follow was separate the 2.4/4.8ghz. I can honestly say I have not dropped one connection in two weeks and have a noticeably more
Stable and useable internet, I told Plusnet that there was
Problems but their script kept saying no supplier guarantees wifi signal, beware! About this, shame I had to buy my own hub but lessons learnt, I fortunately did myself proud.
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Re: Using the BT Smarthub 6 on a Plusnet Account

Works fine the only thing you are unable to do is split the GHz with Bt Smart hub 2. If that is a necessity then stick with the smart Hub
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Re: Using the BT Smarthub 6 on a Plusnet Account

I am using the business hub and you are able to spilt 2.4/5ghz
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Re: Using the BT Smarthub 6 on a Plusnet Account


You can on Smarthubs but not on the residential versions of the latest Smarthub 2 models, that's the ones designed to work with a matching mesh satellite, which is that being discussed, Are you saying that you can split the bands on the business versions of this new device?

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Re: Using the BT Smarthub 6 on a Plusnet Account

Unfortunately that IP address now goes to the Plusnet page rather than BT which has completely confused me.

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Re: Using the BT Smarthub 6 on a Plusnet Account


I’m afraid that you’ve lost me. Perhaps a bit more of an explanation would help.

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Re: Using the BT Smarthub 6 on a Plusnet Account

@janduggy wrote:

Unfortunately that IP address now goes to the Plusnet page rather than BT which has completely confused me.

I think I might have worked out what you are trying to say.

What I suspect is happening is that you are connecting the Smarthub to your computer but are still connected wirelessly to your Hub One. If this is the case then switch off your computer wireless and try again.

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Re: Using the BT Smarthub 6 on a Plusnet Account

Hi all,just bought BT6 smart hub for a fiver.It was already reset according to seller.Could not connect to this via IP address( connected via Wireless Network selection,(name of hub)which opened a troubleshooting page on the hub.clicked off this and came to the start page.Then followed Baldricks instructions which worked.( I did have a problem with my plusnet password(which started with a $) not allowed by BT.Changed the password and got immediate connection.Checked with my Wifi analyser and strength compared to Hub one about 25% uplift.Hope this helps others in the community.Many thanks to Baldrick and others on this topic.

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Re: Using the BT Smarthub 6 on a Plusnet Account

Glad you sorted. Baldrick done us proud, my setup did allow me to not separate 2.4 and 5ghz and has still got distance and speed. Not dropped connection since ditching c@@p plus net hub
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Re: Using the BT Smarthub 6 on a Plusnet Account

Hi, does the BT Business Hub work with dynamic IP address? Or do I need a static IP to use it? Thanks.