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Using the BT Smarthub 6 on a Plusnet Account

Posts: 9
Registered: ‎20-05-2021

Re: Using the BT Smarthub 6 on a Plusnet Account

3rd attempt, still no wireless.
The weird thing is, on the Home Page, Wireless Tab, it says wireless is switched off.
However when I click to go into it, it says both bands wireless are switched on.

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Re: Using the BT Smarthub 6 on a Plusnet Account


If you keep disconnecting from the Internet the FTTC DLM will kick in, thinking that you have a fault and slow your connection down.

Does your Advanced /Wireless page look like this?


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Re: Using the BT Smarthub 6 on a Plusnet Account

Yes looks exactly like that
It's just on the Home Page, in the Wireless Tab, it says OFF

I've taken photos to show you what I mean..
(Wireless Off)!AtCp2Smo3u2egwFkE1AnwFca3mem
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Re: Using the BT Smarthub 6 on a Plusnet Account


Try goimg in to the advanced wireless settings, turn the wireless for each band off, then save. Leave it a minute then switch it back on and save. Software can sometimes behave in very strange ways.

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Registered: ‎20-05-2021

Re: Using the BT Smarthub 6 on a Plusnet Account


I tried that, but nothing changed.
I've put the Plusnet router back in place for now.
Might try BT again in a few days, see if anything changes.
Thanks again for your help
Posts: 2
Registered: ‎26-05-2021

Re: Using the BT Smarthub 6 on a Plusnet Account

Massive thank you for this post. Supplied router was terrible. Swapped for a BTBH6, followed this guide, and all is up and running. Good work fella😎👍
Posts: 2
Registered: ‎02-06-2021

Re: Using the BT Smarthub 6 on a Plusnet Account

Hi everyone, great thread and I am happily now using a BT Smarthub with massive improvement on the WiFi. Just a question, I have noticed when looking at basic status of the router, network uptime regularly seems to reset (thankfully during the night) the system uptime doesn’t restart. Any ideas or is that normal? Thanks.

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Re: Using the BT Smarthub 6 on a Plusnet Account


Smarthubs go through a TR069 event every day when it checks in with BT for updates and a soft reset every fortnight, when the connection time resets. Are these the events to which you are referring? 

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Registered: ‎02-06-2021

Re: Using the BT Smarthub 6 on a Plusnet Account

Not too sure, but it’s probably happened more frequently than a fortnight. See pic with network uptime vs system uptime. The network uptime has probably happened twice in that time.

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Re: Using the BT Smarthub 6 on a Plusnet Account

Just a quick tip - if your internet connection goes down one thing to try first is to check that the Hub 6 hasn't lost your username and password.

Some time between 10:30pm and half past midnight last night my connection stopped - orange light on the Hub. (I was due for an automatic Hub restart, although it was a bit earlier than usual - I don't know if this was the cause of the problem.)

I tried restarting the router, but that didn't work so I went to bed. This morning I listed my options and, before changing cables, switching back to my Plusnet router, calling Plusnet, etc., I thought I'd check my username.

It had been reset to something at Once I re-input my own username and password I was instantly reconnected - happy blue light.

The second part of this tip is that it's useful to save a paper copy of the setup instructions at the top of this thread - having this saved me time.

I appear to have one of the routers that doesn't have a 'save' button after username and password input. A box with an orange background appears saying 'Settings need to be saved', but there's no obvious means of saving them. Fortunately the setup instructions mentioned this possibility and I was able to leave the page with confidence that the settings would be saved.

Thanks again, Baldrick.

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Registered: ‎08-05-2021

Re: Using the BT Smarthub 6 on a Plusnet Account

What I do is:

Homepage > Advanced > System > Backup/Restore

I then export current settings to file and restore from that file if/when I need to.

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Registered: ‎13-07-2021

Re: Using the BT Smarthub 6 on a Plusnet Account

You are a genius Baldrick! I am not the most techie of people, not a complete novice but still a bit nervous. I followed these step by step instructions (was a bit worried as they were posted some time ago and I thought they might be out of date). I bought a reconditioned hub from Ebay for 35 quid and my dodgy wifi days are over! (hopefully). Signal strength improved and no more buffering, easily managing my office computer which is three floors away from the actual router. The Plusnet router was such an intermittent signal, wifi kept dropping out. You are a genius! THANK YOU!!!

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Re: Using the BT Smarthub 6 on a Plusnet Account

@Tillagirl  Welcome to the forum.

Pleased to hear that you are up and running. For the record I have produced an uodate to the instructions here

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Registered: ‎18-07-2021

Re: Using the BT Smarthub 6 on a Plusnet Account

Hi just a newbe on this forum, so finding my new (3 months) plusnet hub a bit slow - I watch a bit of utube on smart tv and movies had no problems in past with bt hub 6 but since moving to plusnet often the utube or movie just stops and the timer just appears going round and round - so found your post 'Using the BT Smarthub 6 on a plusnet Account) - Found it easy to follow and understand  but on getting to the part Edit broadband user name and password there was no save option -= so I clicked on Pink tab top right (is this the save button) - Connects and timer just runs but no connection after some time - my user name and password still ok so again I try click the connect box - I have tried this on a few occasions but cant connect to internet - BT hub was working ok until it was disconected when plus net was installed so maybe there is a fault in the BT hub 6?? - live in a large house so maybe plusnet hub not sending out wirless signal - maybe BT hub 6 was better ?? not sure



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Re: Using the BT Smarthub 6 on a Plusnet Account

Make sure you are using and entering the correct log in details,

and correct password, the password you use to log into your member centre at plusnet.

only plug the dsl cable into the bt socket when ready to connect/save  with the correct log in details  on the BT Hub  interface


Try a full reset of BT Hub with pin in rear until lights change, some 30/40 seconds


see Baldricks post  here

