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Extra! Extra! Read all about it!

Extra! Extra! Read all about it!

Extra! Extra! Read all about it!


ExtraWe're very pleased to announce that we're launching an exciting new product today, called Plusnet Extra.

Plusnet Extra gives you 60GB of usage each month, as well as unlimited overnight usage every day. You’ll also get speeds of up to 20Mbps (where available).

In our low-cost areas Plusnet Extra is just £11.49 a month.  If you live outside of one of these areas it’ll be £11.49 a month for the first three months, then £17.99.

We’ve also updated the pricing for our Plusnet Pro service – if you’re a keen gamer you can now enjoy our prioritised service from only £16.49 a month.

To find out more click here.

As usual these products are available to new and existing customers.

Of course our updated products will still give referral discounts. Refer a friend to Plusnet Value and you’ll get 25p discount per month, Plusnet Extra will be 50p per month discount, and the updated Pro service will stay at 50p discount per month too.

Our signup journey has been improved for customers who need a new phone line installing, or are moving their phone and broadband service from an LLU supplier. We now offer engineer appointments at signup so customers won’t need to call or e-mail us if they want to buy a phone line with their broadband.

If you’d like to find out more, have a read of our FAQ here.

0 Thanks
My main question - Why, what's the point of this? No incentive to move from your legacy BBYW Pro package which I'm currently on. Why pay £22.99 for the same product I'm only paying £19.99 for now???? Again NOT MY FAULT my exchange isn't market 3 so why should I pay more for EXACTLY the same product?
@mitchell20, we're not going to force you to move from BBYW Pro. If it suits you you can stay on that product. When we introduced market pricing last year, we were asked why Pro didn't offer it. This change is just to update that to make it consistent with the rest of the product set. The big news about this product refresh is Extra, which is the mid-range product lots of customers have been asking us for for a while now.
Not applicable
How can I easily tell all the differences (including traffic-shaping, etc) between my existing package (Broadband Your Way Option 2 Monthly Contract), and the new ones, please?
Not applicable
Never mind - I just found the Comparison Tool!
Not applicable
I just had my application for upgrade,rejected.
@greyposter, no upgrades should be rejected, can you PM me on the forums with more info please?
Not applicable
with this plus net do u get a rotor with it?
Not applicable
PM sent.
Rising Star
"up to 20Mbps" Please, please, stop.
Plusnet Help Team
In all honesty its not the same product. We will agree that its the closest equivalent to that service at the moment. I can only advise sticking with what you have.
Will you still renege on your promises of refunds I wonder? See you in court!
Pretty peeved the cost of the services went down after I joined. I guess existing customers won't see any cost reduction?
Adam - as far as I know only the Plusnet Pro account fee goes down and you should see/ have seen that saving. PN gave notice for others of the increases but any increases are frozen for existing customers for 12 months, but drop in price is immediate. (Something to do with detrimental changes need suitable time gap before introduction, thus providing option to leave.)
Not applicable
@Adam0r, WebDude is right - those on the most recent iteration of the 'Pro' product should already have had the cost reduction applied. If you're talking about the old Premium account compared to the new Extra offering then chances are you'll be able to switch account type without penalty.