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Rows of thousands are bearing down on me...

Rows of thousands are bearing down on me...

Rows of thousands are bearing down on me...

Hello again, it's been a while. Since I last blogged, I have got married and been on honeymoon, and bought a Wii. I know, I'm weak, but it was for the little one, and it means my Xbox pads are no longer getting battered due to the frustrations of a 6 year old, just the frustrations of a 29 year old. wedding I was going to write about Project Natal today. I was going to point out that it looks amazing, and some of the features look like they are stuff from Tomorrows World, and even Back To The Future part two (You have to use your hands?). But instead, I am going to look at one of the other new features, one that seemed to slip under the radar and be forgotten since the NXE was released. 1 Vs 100. 100 You ever wanted to be part of the gameshows on telly, where the idiot has to ask the audience which is bigger, the moon or an elephant? Ever wanted to see who was smarter, you, the wife or the people that you kill on Call Of Duty? Done. You want to win Microsoft points, Xbox Live Arcade games and even laptops? Done. I have mentioned in previous blogs that I have an evil competitive streak. It is something that I have worked hard to resolve and be gracious in defeat, and this game has bodged all that hard work and turns me into a bit of a douche, really. Ask the wife, she will tell you. This game is a huge threat to my marriage, and yet both myself and the wife still tune in at 8pm to play along. Why? My theory is when something is up for grabs, most people will push, elbow and dropkick people in the way to get the thing up for grabs. I even stopped helping the mrs with some of the answers because she had a higher score than I did. Now that is low. mob Luckily, she has forgiven me and now we work together to reach a common goal. Having listened to some of the smack talk on Xbox Live, I refuse to admit that some of the people that I am playing against are smarter than me, and we all want something for free. I have come close to the top 10 players a few times, and once I was in the top 5, but only the top 3 will win unless “the one” crashes and burns, and you are in the mob, the 100 randomly picked to take on “the one”. I haven't been in the mob yet, but the top 3 players overall do win points as well. I cannot tell you how good this game is really. You have to try it yourself. It is free for Xbox Live gold members, and starts around 8pm each night, with the 1 vs 100 live shows on Friday and Saturday. My gamertag is Carl182. Add me, and lets see who has the knowledge. Who knows, you might even win something. I have. Thanks to the Xbox Avatars, I have seen something that not many people have. Our very own Bob Pullen smiling. Better than Microsoft points. PS, I promise that future blogs will be more regular.  Once a week sound good?  Ok.

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