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Value goes up to 20Mb

Value goes up to 20Mb

Value goes up to 20Mb

20mbWe're pleased to announce that we're now supplying up to 20Mb broadband on our Value accounts, as well as Extra and Pro. We hope you're as happy about this as we are. All new customers ordering a Value account will be provisioned on the best speed we can get for you, and don't worry if you're an existing Value customer - we've now included you in our bulk upgrade programme along with customers on Pro and Extra. If you've any questions please see the FAQ here: Happy faster surfing!

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[...] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Plusnet PLC, Dan Woodhouse and sajudevasia, Dunc. Dunc said: RT @plusnet: Value goes up to 20Mb [...]
....only if you have ADSL2 enabled in your exchange (which I don't) and probably never will with it only been a market 1 exchange.
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Same here - only ~ 1300 houses served by my exchange - never likely to get ADSL2 OR LLU - not economically viable I guess
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That's hardly Plusnet's fault though is it?
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@chickendippers cant see in there posts any where that they even suggest it was plusnet's fault
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@chickendippers, never meant to suggest it WAS Plusnet's fault - just pointing out that I, in common with a large chunk of the population ,won't be eligible for improvements in speed cos we are serviced by BT Wholesale only at our exchange. I feel very grateful that I can currently get over 6Mb - I'm old enough to remember 14.4Kb modems - watching the pages come up like being drawn on an Etchasketch!!!
@chickendippers I posted my comment as PN made no effort to mention that ADSL2+ is required for get anything faster than upto 8MB on BT Wholesale (apart from a FAQ buried in the page PN linked to). I dont actually want ADSL2+ here anyway. ADSL2+/21CN is a big white elephant. Much rather get LLU as that's a lot more reliable.
PLusnet Value goes up to 20MB but connection to Plusnet for new customers remains zero. I have not had broadband for nearly a week with no sign of any porting of my number. Nice smooth transition ....NOT. Really don't understand how these awards were given? If I could get out of this contract I would. Typical of lousy companies. Get people to sign the doted line then bogus service follows.
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@Saif, sorry to hear you're having problems. Could you provide me with a support ticket reference so that I can take a look at your account and see if there's anything I can do to help?
No sure what you will be able to do. Call centre have recently bounced me back to Tiscali/Talk Talk saying they are responsible for my Broadband. Clearly some work was being done on my line and then broadband went off. User ID:saif1a Ticket ID 34166338
Hi Saif, It looks like that we've placed a simultaneous to move both the landline and the broadband at the same time to us, however Open Reach was only able to transfer the Telephone to us. I can confirm that your landline is with plusnet according to the order records on our suppliers system. We should be able to place a separate order now to install the broadband, however the lead time for this is 7days ie 5 working days. Could you please give us a ring tomorrow so that they can get the broadband ordered asap for you?
Ramidoodle, noone seems to know of your existence in Plusnet. Your customer support staff Robert who I contacted this afternoon Thursday 12th @17:54 was also perplexed why I would have to call in to place the broadband order again. He was however kind enough to promise me 3 months free rent for my inconvenience. So lets see this time if an agreement will be honoured...Currently at two weeks and counting with broadband cut off.
Might be because I work in a different floor :) Your broadband should go live on 19th August 2010
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Good to see PN offering higher and more relevant speeds but why don't they offer them to ALL products. I am on BBYW but have been informed that 8Mbps is all I can expect. Hardly fair given that this product is more expensive than the 'value' range.
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@N do you know whether or not you're in a 'market 3' area? Just wondering what your reasons are for wanting to stay on Broadband Your Way?
It would be nice to think that I could get anything like 8Mbps, let alone higher speeds. I am around 5 Km from the exchange and must say that Plusnet did a great job in getting my phone line refurbished so that I am getting what seems to be the max. possible of +/- 1370 Mbps download speed. Still, it would be good to get something a bit faster Smiley
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Hello Bob. Market 1 here :/ The throttling is less generous than BBYW2 upwards 'plus' or should I say minus any web hosting or free VOIP calls though the 'hosting' especially for email is a big plus in my book and a major reason for staying. Waiting for the FTTC to get under way as can't, and don't forsee 21CN in the near to mid-term future, get ADSL2+ anyhow. Did ask the MD about keeping hosting and VOIP but guess that fell to the wayside. Still hope that Plusnet takes this opportunity not to alienate all of its users and offer speeds as fast as possible, after all, we are all on paid bandwidth allowances and so higher speeds could mean more revenue too.
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@N, you'd keep all your 'value added' services if you were to move to one of the current products. Even if you don't, if/when your exchange is ADSL2+ enabled we'd be happy to upgrade you without you having to change product.
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A better solution is to charge me for what I get rather than this mystical figure. That would mean I would be paying about 60p a month.
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Bob I have read that one can ask for upgrades to speed (which isn't guaranteed) but wasn't aware that hosting,VOIP (incl. free calls)etc could be transferred. If I stayed on a legacy product and FFTC were to be an option before 21CN would 'line speed' be offered as well on the Fibre option - whether 40 or 100Mbps throughput? I would use VPN and Usenet (the latter moreso) and couldn't find it in me to go to 128kbps (ISDN Basic rate bandwidth) to be honest and strongly feel that if the throttling was on a par with BBYW3 then more would transfer to the newer product range. I understand the need to 'throttle' but BBYW did give a fair amount of the early part of the day into the afternoon to do any downloading so don't see why the newer products didn't offer this as well?
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I would settle for 1mb broadband but looks like im stuck at 0.25mb for the foreseeable future, We are market 3 area but highest anyone gets in my street is 0.4mb. Awful. Not plusnet's fault but an awful failing on BT's Part.
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@The 10th, a 21CN enabled exchange is a requisite for fibre, so the latter would never be available before the former. The fibre trials we're running at the moment aren't package specific but are still subject to the rate limiting advertised on our 'Expected Speeds' pages. @Steve, has anybody ever looked at moving you to a fixed 512kbps or 1Mbps product?
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Not sure what you mean? Plusnet supply me at what is the max my line can get (or so im told). But BT's own adsl checker says it's unlikely i could receive broadband at all so i guess im lucky to get what i do. My street is new build and i guess the exchange was never made to handle more houses.
Plusnet Alumni (retired)
@steve. Sometimes we see an improvement on what we call fixed ADSL. You are on a max product at the moment which means your speed will fluctuate dependent on your sync rate but a fixed rate is much more stable.
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Also had bad experience with 21CN changeover. Since being put over a couple of months ago my line speed had steadily dropped to the point where I am now getting less than 1mb but paying for up to 8mb. I never used to believe the scare stories about +net, but now understand about the support issues. Logged a call last month and still no progress, constant stalling tactics and rude helpdesk staff. I am tearing my hair out and the stress is making me ill (I work from home and am on call for IT support role myself ironically!!). My previous ISP got a rock steady 3.8mb, and never a problem. Will not be long before I go back to them. Sad
Plusnet Alumni (retired)
HI unhappypappy, I have now replied to your thread on the community forum. Thank you. Jojo
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When will the bulk upgrade program for 20Mbps be complete? It would be useful to know the mamimum time it could take to get upgraded.
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@IanW, see the answer to question 5 of the FAQ -
Just browsing
@Bob "a 21CN enabled exchange is a requisite for fibre" That appears to be wrong. They are different technologies and BT Infinity checker shows that I can get FTTC without 21CN.
Plusnet Help Team
Well both of you are right as it's down to terminology. FTTC is enabled by Openreach at an exchange and cabinet. An ISP can buy FTTC services from Openreach at any of exchanges they've enabled. Generally to buy direct from Openreach you're going to be a LLU operator. From Openreach's point of view BT Wholesale are an LLU operator. Therefore for BTW to offer FTTC services for us at a exchange they are connecting it up using their 21CN backhaul. Some of the exchanges Openreach have picked already have BTW ADSL2+ services and some don't. Where BTW already have ADSL2+ they plug the FTTC into the existing 21CN backhaul. Where they don't they the set up a new 21CN backhaul. They may or may not then install ADSL2+ kit at the exchange, some they are doing too and some they haven't announced plans for.
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Thanks for the clarification Dave Smiley
I would love to just get the 2 mb max for my area a small village in Sussex, but I have been stuck on 500kbps for the last couple of weeks , Plusnet have sent me a new router,because they thought that may be the problem, it wasn`t , Plusnet have promised to sync my line and get my speed up but 3 days on still nothing been done, left comments on open tickets, rang last night , got promised that something was being done, but no, still 500 kps , I mean even if(big if) I do get the max for my village of about 1.5 mps its still diabolical for 2010 for a whole community and about 5 neighbouring villages to have such a slow exchange,I know that is BT`s fault but surely if ISP`s got on BT`s case then they would upgrade the exchanges? the amount of locals who moan that their ISP boasts of upto 20mb speeds but they are stuck on 1.5 is mad, I though would be happy to just get what I am supposed to be getting for now, but PLusnet seem rather reluctant to help me sort this, been with them 10(ish) years but that means nowt I guess, new customers get all the perks these days ,loyalty means nothing.
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@Unclebobby, can you provide the ticket reference for your fault?
Hello Bob ,yes I certainly can Question #35965306 Hope you can help.