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uSwitch Broadband Awards 2009

uSwitch Broadband Awards 2009

uSwitch Broadband Awards 2009


uswitch_logo_best_connection09_smluSwitch recently announced the results from their broadband customer satisfaction awards and we are happy with the results. We didn't sweep the board like last year, but Plusnet did finish in the top 3 in 10 out of 11 categories.

Over 12,000 UK broadband customers took part in the survey. The results saw Plusnet keep top spot for Quality of Connection, which we are extremely proud of and hope to win it again next year.

Although Plusnet didn't keep 1st place for overall customer satisfaction, our score actually increased by 2% compared to last year. It was a similar story in the best deal category with a 9% increase not quite enough to keep the crown. Similar to our results last year, O2 won 9 out of 11 this time around, with Plusnet coming in 2nd place in 5 categories and 3rd place in 4 more. We want our titles back O2! Just wait until next year... The results do make good reading, especially when you consider we are the only provider across the top 3 in all categories that don't provide broadband over an LLU service. So the target has been set to win back some of the titles next year. You can be sure we'll be trying our hardest to make this happen. You can read more about the awards, including the full list of categories on this page. Thanks for reading. Chris

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