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At my wits end......

Plusnet Help Team
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Re: At my wits end......

Hi penfold,
I'm just wondering out of curiosity if you've been able to give this a try yet?
I've checked your connection logs, things are still looking pretty stable and I can only see 4 drops in the past 7 days.
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 Adam Walker
 Plusnet Help Team
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Re: At my wits end......

Hi adam.  i appreciate you asking for feedback.  No I havnt tried this yet.  My idea is to see what things are like next week, currently on 5days+ uptime with no sync drops, and a very stable connection. After this, I intend to reintroduce the Homeplug, to a different socket, with a longer length of RJ45 (its cheaper than the mains filtered extention Cheesy Cheesy )  If this is Ok, then  I think we are solved. If not, i will try the mains conditioner.  If this dosnt work as well, then I am stumped, but will try gong back to this setup, and running a long length of RJ45 to the cupboard below the attic room, there the main decktop is, and where i have a small unmanaged switch, as there are 4 LAN connectors in the attic.  Its not unfeasable to do this, its just a bit timeconsuming.....  I will keep you updated.  Interestingly, a chap rang me today, and left me a voicemail, stating the connection is stable with no drops for 2 days, even though my router tells me its 5 days.  i will leave ticket open over the weekend, and see what happens, if all OK will close.  Its also been raining here, so that probably rules out a wet joint as the problem.
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Re: At my wits end......

Hi penfold,
Having checked your logs now I can see nearly 5 days of uptime according to our logs at present so this what you were told on Friday would have been right according to what we can see from here. It is worth bearing in mind that our logs will not always match up with what your router displays.
If you can, do let us know how things go in this setup compared to when you use home plugs and the power conditioner as we'd be most interested to see if there has been any improvement.
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 Adam Walker
 Plusnet Help Team
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Re: At my wits end......

Thanks Adam, will do.  the test router is winging its way back to you now.  I am about to close the ticket on this one, as its seems pointless keeping it open now, things appear to have been resolved.  It would be nice to get the SNR down and get a bit more speed, but thinking logically, stability over speed is the way to go.....
Will try adding the homeplugs back next week, with a longer length of ethernet cable, and see what happens.....
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Re: At my wits end......

OK, cheers Chris.
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 Adam Walker
 Plusnet Help Team
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Re: At my wits end......

Hi Adam
Talking to my wife earlier and she has mentioned that the broadband light has started flashing again.  Cant do anything from work, but wondered if you could check the line, and sync rates attenuation etc.  Hopefully this is just a random event, but I do hope that its not all started again..  Nothing has changed in the home setup, but it has been quite wet of late.
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Re: At my wits end......

Looks like that could have been a one off as there's a connection showing with uptime for around 42 mins at present. Let me know if it does start dropping again.
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 Adam Walker
 Plusnet Help Team
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Re: At my wits end......

I am sorry to say, its all gone pete tong again......
When i got home, the router reported that it had resynced over 140 times today.  Attenuation has increased to 49dB, from the stable 44.5, which again stinks of a high resistance fault.  It rains overnight here, then dry during the day, I again wonder of a faulty joint.  I think we have proved beyond resonable doubt, that the fault lies away from my premises.  Rebooted router tonight, and 1st reboot the router resolutely refused to sync at all.  Powered down for 10mins, and eventually got the thing to sync up, albeit at a very poor rate for my line, and SNR now 18.9dB.  Stats before the reboot below and stabs after as well.
Whats the next step Adam, as I closed the ticket, I was that sure it was fixed.....  I am going to give BT one last chance to sort this out, and then I will try Skys LLU, as if its the ADSL2 exchange equipment, then this would negate this.  I REALLY dont want to have to resort to this, but all I want is a decent stable connection, its not that much to ask of BT. 
Also if I get engineers like glloyd, I will be apt to throw them off the premises Angry
My wife mentioned last night that BT engineers vans have been around the estate,  is it possible to find out if I have been pair swapped, back to a dodgy one again?, to fix someone elses issues......
Plusnet Help Team
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Re: At my wits end......

Hi penfold,
I'm sorry to hear that this has flared up again. We'll certainly do all we can to push this back to BT and get this dealt with as urgently as possible.
To start off with can we please ask that you complete a fault checker form for us at once complete please update me either this thread or PM and I will get our faults team straight on the case with testing and raising a new fault. Also at that point I will obviously ensure that we are keeping in mind the previous history of this issue.
We will look into your suggestions about what you believe may be causing the fault.  We will also do what we can to avoid it as an eventuality but we need to set an expectation that there may at some point be a request for a visit as it is a part of the faults process which cannot always be avoided I'm afraid.
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 Adam Walker
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Re: At my wits end......

Ok Adam will do that tonight.
TBH though, I can only give this so much time, before I see what an LLU provider is like, and if this solves the issues, I will be vindicated in the assertations this is an exchange issue. However, would BT accept that maybe each joint D and E side maybe needs to be remade.  It has been damp and wet each morning recently, even though the weather during the day is very good. Maybe this is wetting a connection or joint......  1 engineer told me BT refuse to let them do this, even though the engineer want to in some instances.
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Re: At my wits end......

We hear what you are saying but really don't want to comment on what may or may not be the root cause of the issue until BT have at least begun to look at this again for us.
Let us know as soon as you can when you have completed the fault checker and we'll get this assigned to a member of our faults team.
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 Adam Walker
 Plusnet Help Team
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Re: At my wits end......

Thanks Adam, i do appreciate what you are saying, and I am as keen as you are to get this finally resolved.  I have completed the faults checker, to start this ball rolling again. Is there any way to check if I have ever had a lift and shift done at all.... You can appreciate my frustration here I am sure, but I will provide any help needed to progress this to a final resolution.  Is it possible to  request a REIN engineer?
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Re: At my wits end......

Just a note to add,  there is now a noticable hiss on the line, very much like if you put your ear to a sea shell.  I have updated the ticket, maybe this should be raised as a home phone fault. Line appears quite stable at the min, albeit at a low rate.....
Rate:          4624 kbs  107 kbs
Max Rate: 4624 kbs 107 kbs
Noise Margin: 10.1 dB 3.0 dB
Attenuation:   47.3 dB 26.3 dB
Output Power: 19.7 dBm 12.2 dBm
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Re: At my wits end......

Good morning,
Yes as things stand this could be a phone fault. Before we can go down that route can you please try an alternate handset with all other devices unplugged from the line for us?
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 Adam Walker
 Plusnet Help Team
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Re: At my wits end......

With all due respect Adam, we have been here before, with random hissing on the line.  I have tried alternative handsets on this line, and even the phone completely disconnected.  Tonight there does not appear to be any noise on the line at all, yet my wife has mentioned that the sync light has been flashing intermittantly all day.
Yesterday, there will have been an enforced loss of connection for a few hours, as I switched off the electricity, to check all sockets on the ground floor, and make sure they are all correctly earthed etc, and all were fine. Its odd that nothing has changed my end, after removing everything electrical from the sockets except the phone and router power supplies.
I have not yet tried a surge protector, now unsure if mains REIN is the cause of the issues.
I must say when on 20CN, I NEVER had any of these issues, its all started when moved to 21CN, and ADSL2+.  Whilst I understand a move back to 20CN is not possible, and moving to ADSL1 over 21CN, still uses the same exchange equipment, does ADSL1 over 21CN, use the same frequencies as 20CN?  i am wondering if the line can cope with the higher frequencies ADSL2+ uses.  I would rather not go down that route, but I am open to all avenues.....  
If you would like to ring me to discuss further, then I am happy for this.