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BT 21CN Migration - Bad Move

Posts: 4
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Registered: ‎24-01-2010

BT 21CN Migration - Bad Move

As an ex Plusnet employee I fully support the approach the organisation takes to the provision and ongoing management of services. They are willing to try out new products and services whilst looking to keep the overall costs down. However, I must say I'm extremely disappointed regarding my recent migration on the BT 21CN network.
On the day after migration (15th Jan) my router speed indicated a higher connection speed and yes indeed the experience when on the internet did seem to be faster. However, this was early in the morning. Come late afternoon my basic surfing experience was very slow. Over the days since migration the speed from mid afternoon and through the evening has been almost unusable, to the extent that I could not even log onto the Plusnet site last night to log my frustration.
So, my advice to anyone being offered or informed that they are being migrated is to just say no.
Come on Plusnet I know you can do better but if my experience is shared by many others it will damage your reputation.
Posts: 1,852
Registered: ‎04-04-2007

Re: BT 21CN Migration - Bad Move

Hi John
I'm not sure if you are subscribed to our service status updates but we are aware of some issues affecting customers using the 21C network. The latest update can be found here
We are working on the underlying issues with our suppliers and will provide updates as and when we have them.
Apologies for the current experience but we believe this will be resolved soon.
Posts: 4
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Registered: ‎24-01-2010

Re: BT 21CN Migration - Bad Move

Smiley Looks like the problem I was experiencing has been resolved. Not too sure if it was the BT network changes, the Plusnet changes on the Edge router configs or simply the new connection taking time to settle down but I am now experiencing faster downloads speeds on the back of the migration. To be fair to the PLusnet team they did keep me informed of progress and hopefully the lessons learnt can be applied to others in the future.
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Re: BT 21CN Migration - Bad Move

I was "informed" that I would be transferred to the 21CN network, in December last year, but at the time I was having an issue with speed drops caused by the changeover of product. There were also a lot of other "speed related" issues still on going from November.... I took advice from a "guru" who was helping me to sort out my speed problem, and he advised me to decline if it was possible.... so I sent a ticket to find out some things.... I asked "specific" questions, and wanted "specific" answers....
1. will moving to 21CN guarantee an increase in speed
2. will moving to 21CN guarantee a stable connection
to these questions I got "vague responses"....    as my line is only capable of a max of 2mb, and I currently run at 1.2 to 1.4 there seemed to be no advantage to me to change over..... especially when I read about all the problems cropping up with 21CN forum.... so I requested that my move be "deferred until a quality service can be guaranteed".....
I`m glad I stayed where I am...  Wink
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Registered: ‎05-04-2007

Re: BT 21CN Migration - Bad Move

@picky, glad things are sorted for you now.
@shutter, on your line it's debateable whether you'd see an improvement tbh, depends which database you ask ;).
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Registered: ‎06-11-2007

Re: BT 21CN Migration - Bad Move

@ Mand.... Yes, I found that out by asking a special data base ..... PlusNet  !  Roll_eyes
  The thing is, PlusNet will move you "by default" after informing you they intend to do so. so unless you ask questions before hand, moving could be a bad move from the customer point of view......
which is why I asked for the move to be "deferred"....
(I`m sure there are more advantages to PlusNet to get their customers on 21CN than advantages to customers like me with long/slow connections)....
as mentioned in other posts, I am happy with my connection at 1.2 to 1.4mb it is "reasonably stable, can`t remember the last time I dropped connection, because I do not do gaming or "ping" associated activities..... Pages load quick enough, and the emails disappear in an instant. I doubt if I got a speed of 4mb I would notice any difference....!