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Con Artist

Rising Star
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Registered: ‎06-04-2007

Con Artist

Bell rings and there stands a man in a suit with clipboard. Good afternoon Sir just calling to let you know we have upgraded the local exchange to fibre optics to the home. "Have you, said I, strange I've not seen anything being installed". Ah, you won't, he said.  it's all done underground. I don't think so. I replied. I can prove it, he said, I can do a line test. And how can you do a line test on fibre optics? By dialing a number, he replied. No I don't think so I replied. Anyway whats all this about I asked. We can offer you 100 meg broadband plus telephone free for six months and only £10 a month there after. No thank you I said I'll stick with the ISP I'm with. Who's that, he said, and when I said PlusNet he replied - "Oh Yes We have Just Taken Them Over". With that I started getting annoyed and really let him have it about his firm being a bunch of con artist. But you don't know who my firm is - Oh yes I do Talk Talk!. How did you know that he asked. Because I'm not stupid and know how TalkTalk works - Good bye.
Just as I shut the door his mate joined him and I had to chuckle to myself as I head him say "Bloody hell, we don't want many more like him" Grin
Rising Star
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Registered: ‎13-04-2007

Re: Con Artist

Bet that made your day  Cheesy
As we've just got fibre round here I'm wondering when we'll get a - the BT Infinity envelopes are coming through the doors.
I have a slightly rude sign on the front door that suggests what cold callers can do  Wink
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Registered: ‎10-04-2007

Re: Con Artist

George - I hope you are going to report him to Trading Standards
jelv (a.k.a Spoon Whittler)
   Why I have left Plusnet (warning: long post!)   
Broadband: Andrews & Arnold Home::1 (FTTC 80/20)
Line rental: Pulse 8 Home Line Rental (£14.40/month)
Mobile: iD mobile (£4/month)
Posts: 1,136
Thanks: 2
Registered: ‎30-07-2007

Re: Con Artist

This can't be legal.
Also, what jelv said.
F9 member since 4 Sep 1999
F9 ADSL customer since 27 Aug 2004
DLM manages your line the same way DRM manages your rights.
Look at all the pretty graphs! (now with uptime logging!)
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Re: Con Artist

third that, or report them to a hitman ideally.
when VM installed ere yestrday i got chatting and found out that the VM sale's reps are booking in address that havent ordered or do not exist just to get commision, i found it out cos are address is not on the actual road adress and acessed by a diffrent road, had to flag um down when i saw them cruising the est
Plusnet Help Team
Plusnet Help Team
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Registered: ‎27-04-2007

Re: Con Artist

My parent's had a similar experience recently. The funny thing is that they live between Sheffield and rural Derbyshire with no fibre at all, still claims were being made that they could use it!
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 Adam Walker
 Plusnet Help Team
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Registered: ‎06-04-2007

Re: Con Artist

No fibre here either and not due for ages. Trouble is people get duped and of course the "line test" is a call to their office were note is taken of your telephone number.
Posts: 647
Registered: ‎26-02-2008

Re: Con Artist

As i approached my house last night (getting in from work) i seen someone standing in my garden peerin in my front window.
1. If you have rung the bell and no one answers, GO AWAY ! and dont be peering inside!
2. Take your TalkTalk broadband and GTF!
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Re: Con Artist

These guys don't get far into their chat with me.  Report them.
Seasoned Hero
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Registered: ‎10-04-2007

Re: Con Artist

I had a pair round last night. I led them on rather and mentioned I was with Plusnet in the hope that they would repeat the stupid claim of having taken over Plusnet to me - no such luck.
jelv (a.k.a Spoon Whittler)
   Why I have left Plusnet (warning: long post!)   
Broadband: Andrews & Arnold Home::1 (FTTC 80/20)
Line rental: Pulse 8 Home Line Rental (£14.40/month)
Mobile: iD mobile (£4/month)
Plusnet Help Team
Plusnet Help Team
Posts: 16,926
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Registered: ‎27-04-2007

Re: Con Artist

I led them on rather and mentioned I was with Plusnet in the hope that they would repeat the stupid claim of having taken over Plusnet to me
shame, reports of this have trailed off somewhat. That seemed to happen after they collared my partner in Sheffield as soon as she gave me the nod I passed this on to higher management here. I'm not sure if someone went up to have a word with them, I'd like to think they did though!
Woe betide them if they decide to knock on my door Smiley
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 Adam Walker
 Plusnet Help Team
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Registered: ‎03-08-2010

Re: Con Artist

...does actually make me wonder the phone call I had might have been TalkTalk not BT - the woman was from the UK and sounded very dopey, not the sort of BT sales staff you tend to expect........ Undecided hmmmm - ah well, nice to hear getting one over on TalkTalk even if they are an LLU and might probably offer a better service and line than what we're getting  Grin Roll_eyes
Nice to have you back Adam - hope all is well Smiley
However, I would contact trading standards, and put in an official complaint with them and TalkTalk, and the local council, you know how they don't like door to doors, might as well make mister liar liar get his pants on fire!
Posts: 1,101
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Registered: ‎10-09-2010

Re: Con Artist

I just couldn't countenance using the services of a company that has used, and continue  to use out right lies and deceit, and are happy to do that despite being caught doing it many times.
I mean, if that's the way they recruit you as a customer, whatever level of service they apparently offer, would you ever believe anything they ever said again?
Talk Talk are just not a company I would ever deal with.
Posts: 162
Registered: ‎05-07-2010

Re: Con Artist

I commented on here a few months ago we had a couple of Talk Talk numptys at the claiming TT had just upgraded all the cabinets round here so they could offer superfast broadband
""And did you know Talk Talk upgraded all the lines and cabinets in my part of South Yorkshire  
When the "salesmen" knocked at my door and told me I thought it was a really nice gesture by them to build all this new infrastruture for us and not to think of their companys profits or  their commision, and do you know why the new cabinets have "South Yorkshire Digital Region" and "Funded by Yorkshire Forward" etc  on the little stickers on them.

or does Talk Talk own Yorkshire Forward as well "",91073.msg762562.html#msg762562