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How has Plusnet support gone so badly wrong?

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Re: How has Plusnet support gone so badly wrong?

@Townman wrote: snipped

"You may have answered my question then about a refresh, the BOT can't do anything - so why have it?"

I do not know about every aspect of this beast but it can do a lot of the line test investigations.  If there are external line issues it can deal with on its own - such as pass an external issue to BTOR with minimal additional touches. then that probably gets the bulk of issues dealt with then without human intervention.  So there's real merit in having it, even if it cannot do everything.

I totally understand you may not know every aspect, or indeed ever be told everything about the BOT. But it's interesting to hear that it can perform line test investigations. It does sound impressive and after any observed issues are reported they will be swiftly resolved.

But (and I don't know how much you've been told) would the system know if a line had 'Blue Beans'? - What I'm saying/asking is is it better than a person?

As a genuine example - for many years I reported line disconnects, erratic SNR, substantial speed fluctuations and occasional line crackling when I was with BT and it was never resolved despite numerous OR visits - it went fairly high up the chain of command and without any resolution they allowed me to leave. But having suffered for years I jumped ship to $ky even though I knew the issue wouldn't 'go away' and then jumped again to Plusnet as at least I was paying less than the other 2 ISPs for the same level of service* (*or so I thought). It's all on these forums - but Plusnet were more informative and provided information that made BT look weak and secretive. Radius graphs etc were brilliant to see - Now it wasn't Plusnet or OR that eventually found the real cause (the beans) as I had to insist OR (Plusnet booked them) take a peak at the telegraph pole at the boundary of my property - that's when they were found. Anyway, going O/T here.


@Townman wrote:

You've asked challenging questions on what it does / does not do without the aid of HI (AI still being in its infancy).  I do have an escalation on BoT functionality in the SU space - I will try to see if more details of how it works what it can / cannot do can be shared here.

With knowledge comes advice and that aids us all.


@Townman wrote:

Just love WoBoT - I only said "when it works" in recognition that it does not fix everyone's issues which is not the same as it not doing what it is supposed to do within its intended limitations.  We just do not know where those edges are.

I have to admit my wife gave me a bit if a look when I was typing that reply - I reckon the smirk gave it away.

Plusnet - I'm claiming the WoBOT name now before you put (yet😐) another ad up on TV if you mention it/him/her.


@Townman wrote:

paulspeller was not even able to engage with the BoT which is quite fundamental.  Your experience could not be concluded by the automated processes ... potentially a candidate for enhancement if such can be undertaken without human oversight.  If a "reset of the line" is what I think it might be there will be a commercial charge to Plusnet for that action.  If it were my business, I am not sure I'd want a WoBoT flushing money into the hands of my supplier under unrestrained automation!!


Really great discussion - if we get more insight into the beast which we can share, I will do so.

I agree. Maybe somebody forgot to put 50p in the meter?

I have to kinda disagree regarding the automated bit, would a human have kept sending messages if the receiver hadn't acknowledged and thus replied?

Hmm, refresh or reset - are the same in the eyes of WoBOT - I hope not because if a refresh is like a reboot then I'm okay with that. But if it's a reset (also happens when you click the button on the BTSH) then I'd be in a spot of bother as currently I've configured a BTSH and thus in the event of a reset my connection won't restore without human (me) intervention to change it back to


If a van rolls up to Townmansville with blacked out windows, they may want to talk to you about what you can say about WoBOT 😄

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Re: How has Plusnet support gone so badly wrong?

<Off Topic> - oh yeas blue beans ...,8653.msg179311.html?PHPSESSID=b694d8260b21eee2544b8b09ffb25... </Off Topic>

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Re: How has Plusnet support gone so badly wrong?

Hello! I think @Townman or someone else on this thread will be able to answer this quick query: where would I look to confirm that the credits I've been promised across a total of three recent PlusNet tickets (mainly from the auto-compensation for my outage) have actually been applied to my account?

Looking under Billing and Payments in my account doesn't show any credits but it says my next bill will be issued in a few days' time so I'm a bit worried they're going to end up taking another £50-odd from my bank account even though they've supposedly credited me four times that over the past couple of weeks.

Is there anywhere I can actually see applied credits on my account? Thanks!

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Re: How has Plusnet support gone so badly wrong?

Looking under Billing and Payments in my account

I dont think any credits are reconciled until the billing date, at least that is the case with referral credits. For instance I have an uninvoiced credit which wont affect the balance until billing date.

We probably need a staff member to advise...

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Re: How has Plusnet support gone so badly wrong?

From what I can see, those credits, bar one, are applied, which should more than cover the next bill. It looks like one of the credits is missing due to how much credit can be applied in one go during one billing period, essentially the way the system works, but we'll be able to apply the remaining amount after the next bill has been produced. 

From 31st October 2022, I no longer have a regular presence here as I’ve moved on to a new role.
Anoush Mortazavi
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Re: How has Plusnet support gone so badly wrong?

Thanks very much for your quick responses @MisterW and @Gandalf, much appreciated!

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Re: How has Plusnet support gone so badly wrong?

Inspection of the service tickets (see the link below) should show what is happening way before anything is visible in billing.

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