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If Plusnet sold cars.................

Posts: 41
Registered: ‎24-11-2009

If Plusnet sold cars.................

..You would have a car that:-
a) Did not match the advertised Speed
b) Did not match the advertised economy
c) Would barely work in rush hour traffic
d) Cost the same as Ferrari but performed like a Moskvich
e) you hated using.
THis service sucks. I have tried to download files today. My speed is about 30kbps which is nothing like the speeds here
I feel conned to put it mildly.
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Re: If Plusnet sold cars.................

What does say for your current line speed?
What account type are you on?
jelv (a.k.a Spoon Whittler)
   Why I have left Plusnet (warning: long post!)   
Broadband: Andrews & Arnold Home::1 (FTTC 80/20)
Line rental: Pulse 8 Home Line Rental (£14.40/month)
Mobile: iD mobile (£4/month)
Posts: 41
Registered: ‎24-11-2009

Re: If Plusnet sold cars.................

I do not want to go through this nonsense again. My speed is 3000kbps, my line is OK, my connection speed is fine but it is virtually impossible to download anything in an acceptable time. It would be more helpful if you let me have my mac code.
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Re: If Plusnet sold cars.................

Jelv is not a Plusnet employee and is therefore unable to provide you with a MAC.
However his is very capable of helping you with your speed issues if you'll let him.
Windows 10 Firefox 109.0 (64-bit)
To argue with someone who has renounced the use of reason is like administering medicine to the dead - Thomas Paine
Not applicable

Re: If Plusnet sold cars.................

Presumably they would make you test that the headlights work when you raise a ticket complaining that the wheels have fallen off !  Wink
Posts: 41
Registered: ‎24-11-2009

Re: If Plusnet sold cars.................

Quote from: Strat
Jelv is not a Plusnet employee and is therefore unable to provide you with a MAC.
However his is very capable of helping you with your speed issues if you'll let him.

Thank you for pointing that out, I hadn't realised. I have been through all the motions of testing the line etc in the last few weeks. Although I an grateful for the help offered,  it won't help my case.
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Re: If Plusnet sold cars.................

Presumably, if you bought a car ,  (from plusnet)  and you had a complaint (or two) you would take it back to the garage/showroom and the staff there would attempt to put things right.... unless of course. you did not want them to, in which case, you would demand your money back and walk out.... (ask for your mac code and find another ISP)
Of course. you will have a rant at the showroom staff, and beat your chest, until all the hair falls out.... then along comes a nice man, and says, let`s go for a test run (do the testing procedures Jelv, and others will ask for).... you can either go for a test run, and show the nice man what a load of rubbish you have been conned into, just to rub salt into his wounds.... then on the test run, you find that certain things will take a few minutes of your time, and maybe restore your faith in the car you so dearly wanted to buy in the first place, that you accept his offer to try and help....
Every complaint, against, any product, needs to be investigated by the supplier, in order to establish if there is indeed some fault, and how serious that fault, (or faults) is, can only be determined by a series of tests..... (fortunately for PlusNet customers.... other customers are prepared to spend time and effort to investigate)
The tests, do two things..... 1st they either prove or disprove the fault..... 2nd, they give the owner and the helper an equal baseline of statistics, known to each other, to start the rectification process....
Many people come to this forum, in frustrated mode, and end up being a loyal customer, after being helped, by very knowledgeable customers, and the occasional plusnet staff member (who spend their spare time on the forum)
I know this for a fact.... I have read hundreds of complaints, and have even had a rant myself. though not as bad as some.....
Jelv, Anotherone, and HPsauce, to name three, are customers, and nothing to do with PlusNet Staff levels. their help is given  freely, and in their spare time.  Anotherone, helped me through a four week period, on a "one to one" basis, and for that I am eternally grateful.... His help and support have been invaluable to me.
so, my frustrated friends.....  get it off your chest, then let the above mentioned "guru`s" help you to understand a little more about how to sort out your problems....
everyone has a slightly different problem, but most can be solved by patience and dedication..... and of course that all starts with the "equal baseline of statistics" provided by doing the tests and posting the results in your thread.... Wink

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Re: If Plusnet sold cars.................

On a brighter note...if plusnet sold cars they would look like something like this....,80307.0.html
A thread a few of us gamers were chatting about earlier this year.. Wink
If life gives you lemons, make lemonade.
Posts: 41
Registered: ‎24-11-2009

Re: If Plusnet sold cars.................

Your comments are extremely valid, however, I have raised my problems in the Broadband Speed section within the last few weeks (I've only been with Plusnet for less than a month. These were initially replied to by Plusnet staff and then nothing. As you state, there are some knowledgeable and very helpful members. We established that there is no fault. I'm not moaning about the advertised up to 8Mb speed. I accept my speed will be less than 50% of this figure. Surfing is not a problem, my speed tests confirm I get around 3 Mb but my Rapidshare downloads and occasional torrent are clearly being throttled and I get a much lower speed than the 250kbps advertised. If these speeds are based on a percentage of my surfing speed, that would explain why I am losing out not once but twice.
It is not a case of being uncooperative. All I want is a service that will allow me to download reasonable amounts in a timely manner. My total useage with my previous provider never exceeded 60GB in a one month period which includes my business use as I work from home. Cost is not the issue. I would gladly pay extra for a service that matches my requirements but I'm  afraid Plusnet seems to be lacking in this respect.
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Re: If Plusnet sold cars.................

A problem with usenet or P2P on other than the pro  service are limited to a max of 250 K and when the system is Busy, i.e. in the evening they take a back seat to gaming, and VOIP and other what are termed reaction sensitive. It is considered that it doesnt matter (other than to you) if they are slowed down.

I am not a gamer nor do I use VOIP (or p2p and usenet for that)
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Re: If Plusnet sold cars.................

Understood..... however, a rant on this forum, won`t necessarily resolve the issues you have.... perhaps you should have a personal phone call conference with someone at PlusNet towers, to explain exactly what you want from the service, and possibly a change of product will sort it out to your satisfaction... You may well have chosen a product from "the menu" and thought "ha !... that will do for me...." only to find that it is not quite up to the mark, and therefore needs to be discussed... Would suggest a personal chat with Bob Pullen, Chris Parr or Mand, to start with, as they will know where to direct further....  Good luck. Wink
Posts: 41
Registered: ‎24-11-2009

Re: If Plusnet sold cars.................

FWIW I am on the Premium service. Are you suggesting Pro may be more suitable as this appears to be for light useage?
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Re: If Plusnet sold cars.................

I don`t know which would be most suitable for your needs, that is why I suggested a Person to Person call to Plusnet towers tomorrow ..... I am sure they will be able to help you choose the best service for what you want to do....
Personally I am on "unlimited", but only have a speed of between 1.2 and 1.4 meg....( my line won`t go better than that) I don`t do gaming, just surfing, and emails.... I watch the occasional Youtube movie, but not Iplayer, so it suits me.... My speed is fairly constant now, after being helped by Anotherone, as I mentioned in my first posting on here...
Posts: 41
Registered: ‎24-11-2009

Re: If Plusnet sold cars.................

THanks for your reply. I'll put a call in tomorrow and hopefully get things resolved.
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Re: If Plusnet sold cars.................

Hi Pugs,
I don't blame you for being annoyed when you are not getting the performance you want. I'm not sure if Pro would be more suited to what you want to do, but you can compare the traffic shaping of both packages here -
Quote from: Pugs
I do not want to go through this nonsense again. My speed is 3000kbps, my line is OK, my connection speed is fine ...............

You never came back to my last post in your thread on the Broadband Speed board.
Here are my current stats -
Statistics Downstream Upstream 
Line Rate 6816 Kbps 448 Kbps 
Noise Margin 7.2 dB 21.0 dB 
Line Attenuation 43.0 dB 21.5 dB 
Output Power 19.8 dBm 12.3 dBm
My line attenuation is 1dB worse than yours and I have a 6M profile with that line rate (sync speed).
Now if that doesn't convince you that you are not getting the best from your line nothing will! This a separate issue (as I'm sure you are aware) from the abysmal throughput performance. If you are convinced, and would like to pick up your thread on the Broadband Speed board, we'll take if from there.