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Its like a bad dream

Posts: 2
Registered: ‎22-11-2009

Its like a bad dream

My daughter returned to uni in Leicester at the end of november and is renting accomadation. The accomadation had a phone line but it was not in use. i tried to sign her  up for Plusnet online but was having problems because  i was not living in the place i wanted to start the service for. I rang plusnet and was told i could sign up on the phone and would receive the three months free broadband offer that was available online. so i agreed and the nightmare started. the line is not being used for a phone but purely an internet connection, Equipment arrived all ok, My daughter connected and an initial speed of 0.15 meg on a line that should be (i was told whilst signing up would be at least 4meg). i have had several chats with customer services over the last month, a couple of weeks ago i was told a test router would be sent out, it never arrived i rang back and was told another router would be sent. the router is waiting to be picked up. it has taken well over a month to get to this situation i have done everything asked of me to perform tests and  changing equipment including two 160 mile round trips to try different equiment. Upon checking my bank statement i notice that my bill for november is £28 it appears i have been charged for two months line rental and have not received the three free months broadband as promised when i signed up. If only the money went out as slow as the downloads.
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Re: Its like a bad dream

Welcome to the forum Andy.
Hopefully a member of the Comms team will pick this up tomorrow.
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To argue with someone who has renounced the use of reason is like administering medicine to the dead - Thomas Paine
Posts: 5,560
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Registered: ‎05-04-2007

Re:Its like a bad dream

I'm sorry to hear about the problems you've had.
From looking at your account it looks like you've got the new router and been refunded for the overcharging, so hopefully that's the majority of the issues sorted for you.
Posts: 2
Registered: ‎22-11-2009

Re: Its like a bad dream

Hello again and thanks for your replies.
Yes Mand my daughter has a note to say there is a router to pick up and yes I have spoken to customer services and obtained a refund of the money taken from my account and the way you put it sounds so simple, but was not. Sunday was my one and only day off this week and I had three telephone conversations over a three hour period and at the end was left feeling angry and stressed. During the first conversation I was told the overpayment was a computer error and a promotional offer I was supposed to be given by a lady from sales could only be added to my account if I could provide the promotion code that should have been added when I placed the order. When I asked to speak to a supervisor I was told someone would ring me possibly the next day. I left my home phone number and said I would ring back if I didn’t receive a call within the hour. The second call I made I spoke to a lady who told me someone had tried to call me but I was unavailable, this seemed a bit strange as I had been sat next to the phone for well over two hours and there had been no calls.  I checked my mobile and again no calls. The young lady then told me the three numbers that were available to the supervisor and none were the number I had left during my first call. I again asked to speak to a supervisor and was told she was busy and would ring when she was available. I left my home number again. Some time later the supervisor rang and assured me the refund would be paid and the promotional code would be added to my account and there would be compensation paid for the time the service I had paid for had not been supplied. I asked if this could be sent in an email but was told I would have to trust her and it would be sorted. I said I would prefer it in an email as things had not been done as promised before, I have now  received an email to go with my elevated stress levels.
This account is in a flat my daughter is living in but I pay the bills fortunately plusnet are not my isp. I suppose at my age I should know that you only get what you pay for and plusnet is one of the cheapest isp on the market. You can't have champagne at beer prices.
Posts: 5,560
Thanks: 2
Registered: ‎05-04-2007

Re: Its like a bad dream

Sorry, I wasn't meaning my post to sound dismissive, and I'm sorry if it came across that way.
Problems do happen from time to time, but it certainly shouldn't take weeks and numerous phone calls to sort them out.
Please feel free to get in touch with me directly if you have any further queries or problems.