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LIVE CHAT is NOT busy... it isn`t working (was: How long is a "short wait" ? ? ? ?)

Rising Star
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Re: How long is a "short wait" ? ? ? ?

Although I am not deaf and I can use the phone, my hearing is slightly imparied and I am a Linux user so I thought I would have a look at the problem with the NGT Lite app as descibed here:


opened the folder ... tried to "open" the executive file.... NGT Lite .sh.....

Nothing happened.... not even a flash of terminal window..


Upon downloading and unpacking NGT Lite, it became evident that this is a Java app. Java is not the same as JavaScript enabled in your browser. It is not installed by default on Windows or Linux and without it, the app will not run, which might explain the experience described above. For whatever reason, this does not seem to be mentioned on the PN disability support page, or particularly obviously on the NGT one.

I would be remiss in not mentioning that Java has historically been linked to several serious security vulnerabilities and that the software needs to be kept religeously up to date. Install Java at your own risk an keep it up-to-date if you do.

If you decide to install, then on a Ubuntu Linux derivative (Ubuntu, Lubuntu, Xubuntu, Mint, Debian etc), installing Java is a matter of running this command:


sudo apt install java-common


However, even if you get the app running, you then need to provide a phone number to contact PlusNet. It turns out that the app will not accept an 0800 number such as PN Customer services on 0800 432 0200, only numbers starting with 01, 02, 03. At this point I am stumped as to what to do next......

Perhaps PlusNet could update their disabilities support page and provide the essential information (at the very least the essential contact details) required to get the app running and connected to their support service?


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Re: How long is a "short wait" ? ? ? ?

Seems like in any case, NGTlite is being replaced with Relay uk. Priority seems to be for Android and iOS apps with a mention of Windows app available 2020. No mention of a linux version at all!

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Re: How long is a "short wait" ? ? ? ?

The message should now have been changed. Apologies for the delay. 

 Jono H
 Plusnet Community Manager
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Re: How long is a "short wait" ? ? ? ?



What ?         Seriously ? ? ? UndecidedSadUndecided


   to quote a famous tennis star.....



"I cannot Beleeeeeve it "


Pathetic.... Sad


dead chat 6 feb 13-53.png




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Re: How long is a "short wait" ? ? ? ?

@Batphone wrote:


However, even if you get the app running, you then need to provide a phone number to contact PlusNet. It turns out that the app will not accept an 0800 number such as PN Customer services on 0800 432 0200, only numbers starting with 01, 02, 03. At this point I am stumped as to what to do next......

Perhaps PlusNet could update their disabilities support page and provide the essential information (at the very least the essential contact details) required to get the app running and connected to their support service?



Fat Chance of that happening. either.....


according to a certain member of staff.... NGT is not supported, nor will be , by Plusnet... any issues you have with it, should be addressed to NGT direct... 

(or words to that effect)


Actually.. you can see how this debacle is developing now....


1.   Pull Live Chat....but don`t tell anyone..

2.  record the number of people who are ( not ) using it  

3. use those figures to show that there is no call for Live Chat

4.. propose a permanent closure based on those "survey" figures.

5. keep as quiet as possible and fend of any complaints, about lack of the service, notifications, or "helpful suggestions".. to minimise the flak.

6. offer a third party alternative, that costs the disabled ( and others) money to use.

7. ignore the disablity access problems. caused by items 1 to 7  in the hope that the will go away .

8. when challenged, fend off any suggestions, especially if that includes re-starting Live Chat just for disaabled persons.

9. refuse to accept responsibility for access problems to the alternative means of contact e.g. Linux and install   (lack of ) full instructions. ....

10. ignore the fact that hearing customers are being given priority and special access treatment, compared to disabled customers.

( where disable customers have to pay for the alternative service. and also have to speak through and intermediary ( interpreter). to access customer services.)

against the freedom hearing customers who do not have to pay fot their 0800 access calls, nor do they have to speak through an intermediary .to customer services.

11. all the above are designed to make disabled customers feel they are 2nd class (or worse) customers and PlusNet will be well rid of them by their own actions, rather than cancelling their contracts directly.


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Re: How long is a "short wait" ? ? ? ?

I'd delete your cache @shutter. I've tested it in two locations on 4 devices. The message has changed.

 Jono H
 Plusnet Community Manager
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Re: How long is a "short wait" ? ? ? ?

@JonoH  i.a.w. your request ....


cache clear window 01.png


( pic is record of the 2nd application of "Clearing all items marked with X )


Pic below is taken at 15:07  just after the second application of the Cache Clearing operation above.)


( also .. the screen shot showing is a "new" call  @15:07 on FALKON web browser with no addons active i.e  clean install so that I could use Live Chat )


dead chat 15-07 6 feb.png


Note the date and time in the bottom right corner....

also note the statement at the bottom of the window, regarding hours of opening. 


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Re: How long is a "short wait" ? ? ? ?

I get the same as @shutter @JonoH 

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Re: How long is a "short wait" ? ? ? ?

Are you guys going to we don't use that page anymore it's hidden (although direct links can get there). That's in our list of pages to edit, but that requires developer time and being in a release, the fact that we don't (as far as the product owner tells me) promote that page anymore means it's unlikely to be a high priority. I've checked and traffic to that page is minimal. Please delete the link for your bookmarks as it's no longer in use.

Any active pages that go to allow chat should display this message 



 Jono H
 Plusnet Community Manager
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Re: How long is a "short wait" ? ? ? ?

Check out the URL on the top of the pic....


You have just confirmed how "sneaky" and "devious" Plusnet really is....


I've checked and traffic to that page is minimal. Please delete the link for your bookmarks as it's no longer in use.


certainly not "open and transparent"  nor doing anyone, least of all, disabled customers ,..

.. what is happening with Live Chat.



and... of course... I highlighted this in my previous post


1.   Pull Live Chat....but don`t tell anyone..

2.  record the number of people who are ( not ) using it  

3. use those figures to show that there is no call for Live Chat

4.. propose a permanent closure based on those "survey" figures.


The whole mismanagement of this is a disaster on the size of Titanic..

Lack of planning...bad planning, patchy and partial execution of the bad planning.. and poor communication, from an on line communications company...  UNBELIEVABLE...




.  it is appalling, the way that Plusnet have treated the disabled customers AGAIN....





they closed Live Chat a while back... IN FAVOUR OF HEARING CUSTOMERS,


to give them priority service,


whilst denying the disabled, access to customer services on Live Chat..

the most simple and straight forward way for them to access PlusNet departments.


Moderators Note: Full quote of preceding post removed as per Forum rules

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Re: How long is a "short wait" ? ? ? ?

Shutter, I don't appreciate being called sneaky and devious, If we were trying to hide something we could delete this thread, kick you from the forum and ban you from new accounts,  we do not have to provide forum access, we do it as another channel where customers can seak support and or tell us how they feel about or service.. We haven't banned you or deleted your thread though? Have we? 

I only realised the URL you were using when you sent the second Image. We don't advertise that page anymore and any actual page changes require going into a scheduled release. I appreciate you're disappointed that we've turned chat off and I've passed your feedback on, however, we've decided it's best to turn chat off for now and if and when that changes we will let you know.



 Jono H
 Plusnet Community Manager
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Re: How long is a "short wait" ? ? ? ?

@JonoH   O.K... I was not calling you sneaky or devious....


what I did say .... quite clearly ... was....



You have just confirmed how "sneaky" and "devious" Plusnet really is....


If you took that as a personal affront.... then I am sorry... but... I am just venting my point of view, on the proceedings as seen from the customer side of things..


You then say....


we do not have to provide forum access, we do it as another channel where customers can seak support and or tell us how they feel about or service..




and that is EXACTLY what I am doing. 


                                     .not only for me, personally, but for all the likewise disabled customers,


                    who pay good money to Plusnet for their broadband service...


.but because of this decision to CLOSE LIVE CHAT... are now being told they have to PAY to use a third party text service, to contact a "middle-man" or "intemediary" to speak on their behalf. 



Also you have announced that PlusNet is not able to solve the install problems, because it is a third party application and nothing to do with plusnet. 

Surely you should be providing sufficient and workable install instructions to your customers, when you are disabling the one VITAL SERVICE that they can easily access direct from the forum...without any problems regarding installing and running third party text messaging systems. Promoting the alternative, with no support, to those customers who ask for help, for them, it will be impossible to even ask....


You have not addressed the different levels of "service" as applied to Hearing customers, and Disabled customers..


and when questioned about this, previously, you have admitted to me, that there WILL be a COST INVOLVED in using the service, but would not commit to saying how much the extended telephone call , due to the time factor in volved in texting to an "intermediary", and then that text message being read to a customer service rep. and the time factor in the reverse operation.....would be reduced by,....... or commit to saying that the whole cost of the call would be removed from the monthly bill.


The NGT system will take at least, three times longer to complete a "query"  compared to a "direct" conversation with the customer service representative. ... and that will incur a substantial phone call bill . 


As, probably, 90% of the disabled customers who contact plusnet via live chat, as their MAIN MEANS OF COMMUNICATION to plusnet services. are of a pensionable age.... this will be an added cost, and to some, a fear that they will not be able to afford a long, and protracted , slow , cumbersome method of asking plusnet for help, to sort out a difficult ( to them ) problem. tThis may also mean that they will not get the service that they are paying you for. due to the shambolic way that LIVE CHAT has been handled.



Regarding the message on the Live Chat access page....


this pic was taken two minutes after the thread was posted.

dead chat customer report.png


Which confirms... that there are STILL, despite your assurances  that the message is displayed... customers who want to use Live Chat to contact Plusnet.


Regarding that message.... I have actually seen it... and it is so small that it can easily be missed... I would have expected . at the very least...  a pic of a "no entry sign"   with suitable message and directions to the alternative methods of communicating...




You are welcome to use the above with no copyright attached to the image and text .




P.s.  I did notice that you have taken my "helpful suggestion" regarding the 2 year old thread concerning

                "Live Chat Availability"

and removed it entirely from the top of Plusnet Feedback board....

(well it was a "bit" embarassing, .Embarrassed... wasn`t  it  ! ! ! !   Smiley   )



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Re: How long is a "short wait" ? ? ? ?

Funnily enough I was looking for a way to raise a ticket for an e-mail issue a few days ago, but couldn't find one (I'm sure there was a facility for this at one time?). Tried online chat without success so ended up coming here. Didn't know until I read this thread that the online chat was no longer available.


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Re: How long is a "short wait" ? ? ? ?

On live chat i see this ,, it does NOT state Chat is unavailabe any more ?  just says departments are closed ?  BUT still says LOADING CHAT Huh Chat .jpg

Community Gaffer
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Re: How long is a "short wait" ? ? ? ?

What's discussed here isn't within my area of influence, but I just wanted to reply to this:

@Batphone wrote:

However, even if you get the app running, you then need to provide a phone number to contact PlusNet. It turns out that the app will not accept an 0800 number such as PN Customer services on 0800 432 0200, only numbers starting with 01, 02, 03. At this point I am stumped as to what to do next......

We have an 03 number, it's 0345 140 0200 which is visible from our Contact Us page.

Also @smiffy1 the screenshot you've posted is from As per message #54 Smiley

@JonoH wrote:

Are you guys going to we don't use that page anymore it's hidden (although direct links can get there). That's in our list of pages to edit, but that requires developer time and being in a release, the fact that we don't (as far as the product owner tells me) promote that page anymore means it's unlikely to be a high priority. I've checked and traffic to that page is minimal. Please delete the link for your bookmarks as it's no longer in use.

From 31st October 2022, I no longer have a regular presence here as I’ve moved on to a new role.
Anoush Mortazavi