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Leaving due to a terrible service

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Registered: ‎29-03-2018

Leaving due to a terrible service

At first plusnet was great, but since covid 19 there has been a significant deterioration in there service. Heres my issues ive encountered over the past 2 months.

1: Random disconnects up to 10 times a day

2: Reset the router with no effect.

3: poor speeds as low as 0.24meg

4: Contacted customer support who after checking the line it was fine (maybe being fobbed off)

5: cant get fibre in this area which i was aware of when i signed up which means i have a minimum speed of 2.93 meg ( i was getting that 10 years ago )

So luckily ive not long left on my contract and ive found a provider who can provide fibre i think its to do with the exhange rate , cabinets, but i have gone for a much bigger provider who can spend much more money than i imagine plusnet cant.

Im only being charged an extra £3.25 per month as well for a minimum speed of 32 meg and with possible downloads of up to 50 meg so its a no brainer, anyway best of luck who evers signed up with plusnet i think it will just get worse as the demand on the internet is a lot higher now and they seem to be struggling. Its always a bad sign when the custonmer support has gone downhill it used to be very good with waiting times at a minimum. Its that bad now i cant even confirm my cancellation and there online chat is offline, the only other option is to give them a call  thats if you dont mind waiting at least 20 minutes with no answer. 


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Re: Leaving due to a terrible service

Moderators Note
This topic has been moved from ADSL Broadband to Plusnet Feedback.
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To argue with someone who has renounced the use of reason is like administering medicine to the dead - Thomas Paine
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Re: Leaving due to a terrible service

I dont think moving this thread to plusnet feedback fixes my problem does it, thats a useless pathetic response and something you cant even give an intelligent answer for. Lets just brush it under the carpet and hope people forget about it, see what i mean, hopeless and it will get a lot worse, so i advise anyone who are with plusnet please find your self a decent provider. I think CISAS will be getting an email as that response is a joke.

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Re: Leaving due to a terrible service

Moderators are customers and have no insight into accounts or special privileges.
They are here to keep the forum running smoothly and ensure threads are in the correct areas for a staff response.
No, it doesn’t fix your issue - just like being sarcastic towards them doesn’t.
Nothing is swept under the carpet, your thread was just moved to a better location.
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Re: Leaving due to a terrible service

@allrounder55 wrote:

At first plusnet was great, but since covid 19 there has been a significant deterioration in there service. Heres my issues ive encountered over the past 2 months.

1: Random disconnects up to 10 times a day

2: Reset the router with no effect.

3: poor speeds as low as 0.24meg

4: Contacted customer support who after checking the line it was fine (maybe being fobbed off)

5: cant get fibre in this area which i was aware of when i signed up which means i have a minimum speed of 2.93 meg ( i was getting that 10 years ago )

So luckily ive not long left on my contract and ive found a provider who can provide fibre i think its to do with the exhange rate , cabinets, but i have gone for a much bigger provider who can spend much more money than i imagine plusnet cant.

Im only being charged an extra £3.25 per month as well for a minimum speed of 32 meg and with possible downloads of up to 50 meg so its a no brainer,

I moved on to another ISP a year ago but food for thought.I'm a bit confused when you say PN cannot supply fibre but another ISP can. Unless of course you are going the FTTP option.


If your new ISP will also be using the Openreach network (FTTC) to supply the service, it'll still be coming down the same wires as it is currently does from PN for that final connection.


If it isn't your current router going bad, you will still have the same issues i.e. poor speeds etc that you mention. First off, I would have started to check my internal wiring first. Its one reason I have a cheap modem router i.e. a known good, just to eliminate my wiring from any possible fault. If after connecting my backup router, issues remain, I then move to the next step. Report a line fault.


If your problems are a line / cabinet fault, changing ISP will not stop someone having to come out to repair the issue. Of course if you are having problems reporting that fault, then yes, another ISP might be the better option.Good luck.😀

Ever helpful. Grin Sure, I’d love to help you out. Now which way did you come in?
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Registered: ‎29-03-2018

Re: Leaving due to a terrible service

Well ive been assured i can have fibre, ive been through all this with talktalk as well, i have a 30 day cooling off period anyway so if its not up to the mark i can cancel, ive been assured of a minimum speed of 32 megabytes, Theres nothing wrong with my hardware devices cabling or home network, but i am using a plusnet router, im not going through ringing technical support as it takes for ever to actually get through. Probably is the router but my other is a fibre router from my previous supplier which doesnt work. About time i upgraded anyway thanks for your reply at least you had the decency to reply.

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Re: Leaving due to a terrible service

@allrounder55 wrote:

Well ive been assured i can have fibre, ...

Well @allrounder55 , there's fibre, and there's errr ... fibre, according to what your belief is***.


As @idonno said above, if you've been assured by another ISP that you can get fibre, but that PN can't supply you, then it must be FTTP which PN have chosen not to offer ATM for whatever reason.



*** Many people have been led to believe they are on fibre when they aren't due to the fact that ISPs have been allowed to call and advertise VDSL (FTTC) as fibre - when actually the fibre only goes as far as the street cabinet, with the connection from there to your premises via a pair of olde-worlde copper (or even aluminium if you're unlucky) wires.

Proper fibre (i.e. all the way to your premises) is FTTP / FTTH which is what you must be getting as explained above.

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Registered: ‎29-03-2018

Re: Leaving due to a terrible service

Hello, i am so glad that i have left plusnet, now i am receiving a minimum of around 36-37 megabytes. With an upload of approx 8-9 megabytes, i was stupid to even sign up with plusnet in the first place, i just assumed i couldnt get fibre at my property, i should have done more research, but we all live and learn, So if your happy staying with plusnet who provide a mimimum speed of 2.93 meg on there fast broadband package carry on its costing me an additional £3.25 a month to get this new speed and there customer support team do actually answer the phone when i call. There customer service has been excellent its with SKY by the way a much better infrastructure who actually have there own hardware on the BT Openreach network as i was informed by one of there team. Problem is with all these smaller companies eg plusnet, EE, your all piggy backing on BT but you dont have the hardware probably not got the same amount of bandwidth either so you throttle connections so everyone gets a share, you only get what you pay for i suppose, i wont be coming back here anymore now so anyone whos had issue like myself i suggest you leave and find yourself a more reliable broadband provider.  As you can see in the photo  just slightly better than what i was getting with plusnet. Which was approx 15 meg max download speed and 1meg upload. Goodbye and good riddance for ever.


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Re: Leaving due to a terrible service

@allrounder55 wrote:

Hello, i am so glad that i have left plusnet, now i am receiving a minimum of around 36-37 megabytes. With an upload of approx 8-9 megabytes, i was stupid to even sign up with plusnet in the first place, i just assumed i couldnt get fibre at my property, i should have done more research, but we all live and learn,


I'm pleased you're happy with your new connection, which, although you haven't confirmed, must have been FTTP if PlusNet couldn't supply you (as discussed earlier in the thread).  To be pedantic you're not receiving 36-37 megabytes (presumably you mean per second), it's Megabits per second as confirmed by the screenshot of your speed test.


So if your happy staying with plusnet who provide a mimimum speed of 2.93 meg on there fast broadband package carry on its costing me an additional £3.25 a month to get this new speed and there customer support team do actually answer the phone when i call. 

Not strictly true as there are many people on PN who get speeds comparable to yours on the same product level.

In fact if you're on a 50Mbps product (which you mentioned earlier in the thread), your DL/UL speeds don't look particularly good IMHO and neither does your Ping/Latency, but that might be partly explained because you're connecting to a server in Dublin, which unless you're actually based on the island of Ireland seems odd.

I'm fortunate enough to be on the PN FTTP trial connected at 80/20 Mbps, so comparing apples with (admittedly slightly larger) apples, my PN connection seems to perform better than your Sky one, so that blows a hole in your theory.

For comparison:



I can't offer an opinion on the level of PN customer service as fortunately my connection is reliable so I can't remember the last time I needed to contact them, but you may be right judging by some of the other threads on the forum.



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Re: Leaving due to a terrible service

To be honest you couldnt even give me 17mps it was the same test i ran on plusnet so its better than what you offered goodbye and dont bother replying wasting my time you do a good for plusnet carry on, (Yawn)

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Re: Leaving due to a terrible service

@allrounder55 for your information no Plusnet staff member has posted on your far.

Windows 10 Firefox 109.0 (64-bit)
To argue with someone who has renounced the use of reason is like administering medicine to the dead - Thomas Paine
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Re: Leaving due to a terrible service

just thought id share my download speed that im getting now, i do realize its megabits as all speed tests show megabits not megabytes, so looks like im getting a decent enough speed now, I didnt bother dong an upload speed as i get approx 12mbps nearly the same as i used to get on plusnet at 17mbps on a good day thanks again.


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Registered: ‎29-03-2018

Re: Leaving due to a terrible service

Moving to another provider has actually fixed my problem i wont be coming back here now ive said enough,your company is a joke. Ill delete my account anyway and just to show what i actually get now just to rub it in a bit more. Something you cant even get anywhere near to 17mbps pathetic and was being charged £19 a month. Everyone leave PLUSNET


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Re: Leaving due to a terrible service

@allrounder55 Don't waste your time posting on this forum, nobody cares what speeds you get now. What we don't know is what fibre service TalkTalk are supplying but does anybody care, I don't think so. Go ahead and delete your account.😐