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Plusnet broadcast to the world, you have an account with them on their envelops

Rising Star
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Registered: ‎03-11-2016

Plusnet broadcast to the world, you have an account with them on their envelops

So not only are plus net reveling your location to close to home but plusnet, now broadcast to the world that you have a plusnet account, on the front of there envelopes. Sad


I received a letter from plusnet yesterday that, I already had by email, about my services moving to a new provider.

OK  that's fine but when it has the words in bright pink at the bottom of the envelope saying, important information about your plusnet account, this to me is a security and privacy risk and tells everyone I have a plusnet account, with my address as normal on it. Putting two and two together.

I don't want it advertised to the whole world that I have a plusnet account thank you! I have made a official complaint  and the advisers who I made complaint to, did understand my concerns and has passed it to the team who design the envelops and what goes on them. Waiting for a response.

The gaining ISP also wrote to me but all it said were, is, important information inside. Nothing about me having an account or anything else that will tell the world I have an account. like plusnet do.

That all it should say, important information.


I have already discussed about the use of the words and how they are used in other ways, so no need to waste you time telling me what it means. It don't need to say, your plusnet account though. Simples!



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Re: Plusnet broadcast to the world, you have an account with them on their envelops


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Re: Plusnet broadcast to the world, you have an account with them on their envelops

I really don't know what your problem is, PlusNet are not revealing your location and as for the envelope saying you have a PlusNet account so what. Anyway hopefully you will soon have departed to another ISP whom you will probably complain about for some other reason.