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a nervous newbie ...

Plusnet Alumni (retired)
Plusnet Alumni (retired)
Posts: 10,540
Registered: ‎18-07-2007

Re: a nervous newbie ...

Hi WillyWombat,
I picked up the message from a ticket on your account, I believe this should have been emailed to you? If not it's viewable at That being said you should have received an email or a call either way and I'll be feeding back if that was the case or not.
Posts: 55
Registered: ‎16-05-2013

where do i stand?????

The 10th of may i signed up with plusnet and im still not connected after promise after promise. Now they have decided i need a new line as talk talk are being awkward. Plusnet should of been aware of the situation well before now and installed the line weeks ago. like iv said before this service is so in portent to some people, it is there life and through no choice of there own. I was full of enthusiasm for joining this provider but thats changed to total disappointment. Plusnet seem so slow about everything, more so than any other provider iv been with over the years. Its as if sometimes they need a firework up their bum.
I am physically and emotionally drained, im on the floor and have had to sign my partner who i love with all my heart into temporary care for a month starting friday . see he's brain damaged from an injury in Afghanistan. the INTERNET and phone is his life. i feel i have failed him and it hurts badly. I was promised by talk talk ill be live untill changeover and steps had been taken to ensure its as smooth s can be because of my situation. Talk talk are now blaming plusnet for "not doing their job properly"
It may sound petty to you people but im heartbroken. I really thought plusnet was the one we could be with for many years.  Cry
Where do i stand about getting my £33 back?
Plusnet Alumni (retired)
Plusnet Alumni (retired)
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Re: where do i stand?????

I've replied to your other thread.
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Registered: ‎10-05-2013

Re: a nervous newbie ...

Ok thanks for bearing with me Deathtrap. I'm learning a new language here.  My retail experience in life has generally been along the lines of: 1) choose a product; 2) pay for it; 3) take it home and use it.  I've stumbled upon a whole virtual world here which may end up too taxing for my small brain.
Anyway, following your very clear guidance this time gives me "Your address has been successfully matched; however we cannot determine ADSL availability at this address. Please try the Telephone Number or Postcode Checker", surprise surprise.
Checking on just Postcode alone option (without full address details) gives:
(Sorry couldn't paste image, I've attached screenshot)
Available Products
Downstream Line Rate(Mbps)
Upstream Line Rate(Mbps)
Downstream Range(Mbps)
Availability Date
Featured Products
WBC ADSL 2+ Up to 3 -- 2.5 to 6.5 Available
ADSL Max Up to 3 -- 2 to 5.5 Available
WBC Fixed Rate 1 -- -- Available
Fixed Rate 1 -- -- Available
For all ADSL and WBC Fibre to the Cabinet (FTTC) services, the stable line rate will be determined during the first 10 days of service usage. Throughput/download speeds will be less than line rates and can be affected by a number of factors within and external to BT's network, Communication Providers' networks and within customer premises.
The Stop Sale date for Datastream is from 30-Jun-2012; the Formal Retirement date for Datastream is from 31-Mar-2014. The Stop Sale date for IPstream is from 31-Oct-2013; the Formal Retirement date for IPstream is from 31-Mar-2014.
Note: Please note that postcode and address check results are indicative only. Most accurate results can be obtained from a telephone number check.

It does offer the option of a 'NAD' search requiring a NAD key and district i.d., but I don't know what this is.

Matt Taylor @plusnet: thank you for your response.  No I have not received any emails or tickets, that's why I was sitting tight waiting for D-Day until I called by here on a whim yesterday.  I don't want to check out on day one of this journey but I guess I am going to have to chase this formally through TT  to cease their product and get 'released' back to BTw in the first instance. In which case a return of  the £153 upfront payment would be appropriate as would the hope that I will happen along again as a PN customer once I've disentangled.  We can't change our number, not after 15 years.
I've discovered there are many more layers to this than I appreciated when I clicked on 'Proceed'.  Were it not for the incredibly positive attitude of this forum towards PN I may not have been so inclined to go round the circuit again but I'm keen to get here one way or another.  You must be grateful for your loyal customer base.
Thanks all   WW
Posts: 1,064
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Registered: ‎23-04-2013

Re: a nervous newbie ...

On the face of it, from the  info the BT wholesale availability checker spat out,for your post code, it would appear that FTTC isn't available as it is not one of the listed services available  no mention of WBC FTTC with a speed estimate,
But interestingly if  i do a search by post code although the results are showing FTTC and est speed it does incorrectly show FTTC being available from March 14, when it's been available since the beginning of the year on the cab i am connected to, and my post code only covers the street i live in the most reliable results are in a lot of cases from the address search option , as for a NAD key and district ID , i have no idea what these are either,lol
I would imagine that all ISP's would have access to more reliable info,than the BTW checker regarding your line , there is another checker for FTTC  that may or may not help you find out if it's available or not Just input your post code  , But even this isn't always 100% accurate  
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Re: a nervous newbie ...

Here is a corrected link -

Superusers are not staff, but they do have a direct line of communication into the business in order to raise issues, concerns and feedback from the community.

Posts: 1,064
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Registered: ‎23-04-2013

Re: a nervous newbie ...

Strange the i copied the link from my browser, It's now working ,strange
Posts: 8
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Registered: ‎10-05-2013

Re: a nervous newbie ...

thanks again deathtrap and also townsman, yeah I did look at all the broadband checkers out while trying to research where the problem lay with migrating away from Talktalk and verified early on that my cabinet about 80m away from my gate was fibre enabled (which was already obvious on account of the Openreach stickers emblazoned over it and the fact that a number of my immediate neighbours have fibre services - including some with TT it seems).  The most detailed info came from Samknows which checked positive against my number and p'code (attached).
No the problem all along seems to be this mismatch between the p'code and phone number which no one has been able to either explain in a way I understand, or in a way that suggests they have any idea either.  There's no question about fibre provision per se, even PN seem to have identified that FTTC is on.
Follows my reply to the ticket which I discovered very belatedly after Matt from Plusnet pointed me there in earlier post (thanks Matt):
Your Response
5:17pm, Wednesday 22 May 2013
The Question 69390919 has been released from hold and sent back to BOT - FTTC Provides
Dear BOT-FTTC team, I have only just discovered this Help Assistant thread for the first time on 22nd May at 17.00hrs! I see it was opened on 9th May, the day I submitted my order. I did not raise the question originally and I've only been pointed here after a chance posting on the forum. You should have emailed me about this or the issue should at the very least have come up on the order tracker which I have been reviewing pretty regularly and no alarm bells there. You must understand that new subscribers may not know their way around the ISP's site especially if we have not been used to online help assistants etc. I was aware of the data integrity issue / CLI-postcode mismatch - TalkTalk have been telling me about it for the last 6 months but without apparently the ability or inclination to resolve it. Precisely why I'm trying to migrate to PlusNet! Why can't BTORDI sort this? I have been receiving uninterrupted phone and ADSL service on this CLI at this postcode for more years than I can remember. Please help. I do not wish to proceed with a new line install or new number, both are working fine here.

As per my last to Matt I'm thinking the only way forward (if there is one) is to negotiate a release from TT and back through BT.  Interestingly when I called BT retail about the problem (clutching at straws) they were able to tell me that there were two numbers allocated to my line - one erroneously - but they couldn't do anything about it as I'm not their customer!  Suspiciously there are two houses in my village with the same house name, and the other one has changed owners recently so I'm wondering if the mismatch arose when they applied for a new service.  Unfortunately I don't know them to knock on the door and ask!
Resting Legend
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Registered: ‎06-04-2007

Re: a nervous newbie ...

From the timescales you mentioned I imagine your phone service was originally with BT before TalkTalk took it over. Is that correct?
Unless there is a time limit on this I'd assume that means the number is donated by BT and therefore can be 'returned to donor' if the user requests it. Perhaps the key here is the problem you mentioned that two numbers are allocated to your line (presumably meaning circuit number here).
Unfortunately I assume TT as the service provider should sort that out.
Posts: 8
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Registered: ‎10-05-2013

Re: a nervous newbie ...

Yes correct spraxyt we were with BT originally and subscribed to ADSL in the initial roll out way back when, (Cornwall was a pilot region with an EU cash injection ?late 90's  IIRC) then seduced by Talktalk's famous 'free BB' promotion must be at least 6 yrs ago really can't remember.  As I mentioned, I have really had no complaints with TT until now but of course it's only when you have a problem that the true colours of your ISP are revealed ...
Don't know about the return to donor thing but presumably that's what I'm looking at doing.  What do dyou mean by circuit number.
It strikes me that if  LLU-to-BTw migrates are a common issue (and who knows?), this is genuinely anti-competitive.  In fact it even disadvantages TT's own business if they can't upgrade their own customers.  Maybe I should invoke Ofcom and/or Consumers Association (usually a good way to get a problem 'out there' to find out how many others have the same issue)
Resting Legend
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Registered: ‎06-04-2007

Re: a nervous newbie ...

I think the physical line has a circuit number that permanently identifies it whereas the phone number assigned to it can change.
From what you were told by BT Retail it looks like mistakenly two different numbers are assigned to your circuit. I expect this is an administration problem rather than a physical one or the owner of that number would be complaining of no service. To fix it the invalid number needs to be removed, but the "asset protection" systems prevent this. I'm not sure if that is the correct term - I mean whatever prevents one service provider making unauthorised changes to another service provider's asset.
From the history of your phone service your phone number will be in a range assigned by Ofcom to BT, but BT have "donated" it to TT so that the latter can provide an LLU phone and broadband service on it. You now need "return to donor" to operate so that it goes back to BT.
The big problem is finding someone who can make that happen - not easy since those involved appear to be prevented by  "procedures" from actioning whatever is needed.
Contacting Ofcom and/or the Consumer's Association is an option. However I suggest you might contact BT Group's Chief Executive to seek his help. You can get his email address by typing BT into the search box on the site.
Hope this helps.
Posts: 314
Registered: ‎07-09-2007

Re: a nervous newbie ...

Quote from: slooowwwlllyyy

Just to report that with going with plusnet which is owned by BT you will get the same service as BT

nah - this forum reflects a hugely biased view ~ have many thousands of satisfied customers who never need to come here at all
Posts: 8
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Registered: ‎10-05-2013

Re: a nervous newbie ...

This is request for customer services to reply to an open ticket, #69390919 now 10 weeks old. No response from PN for > 2 weeks despite repeated requests for an update. I really wanted my migrate from TalkTalk to have a happy ending. I have so had enough of TalkTalk and their dire customer service. It did look at the beginning like PN would be able to deliver on this. But you have had my £150 upfront payment for 10 weeks, and I have nothing, no fibre service, no information update, no idea if or when you will take over my service.  In the time since I last visited the forums in May the volume of negative posts about PN has increased markedly. Worrying. Maybe I'm better off sticking with the Dheli-based provider after all at least they are the devil I know ....
Thanks in anticipation/ hope
Plusnet Alumni (retired)
Plusnet Alumni (retired)
Posts: 10,540
Registered: ‎18-07-2007

Re: a nervous newbie ...

Hi WW,
I've chased our prov team up about this and it'll get an update this afternoon, really sorry for the delay.