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how many times can plusnet cancel an appointment?

Posts: 59
Registered: ‎26-02-2015

how many times can plusnet cancel an appointment?

Pretty simple really. Lets see how many people have had their plusnet orders cancelled. I`ll start the ball rolling at 5 appointments in 7 days!!!!!!! After making the vital mistake of trying to order the fibre service from Plusnet.
1st: Order: Placed 10-2-2015, email confirming install date of 23-2-2015. Cancelled 9 days later!!!!! Not the 7 days like the confirmation email stated
2nd Order: Placed 18-2-2015, email confirmed install date of 25-2-2015 Cancelled same day by Plusnet.
3rd Order: Placed 18-2-2015, email confirmed install date of 2-3-2015 Cancelled by [removed] from Plusnet. (Had to ring for confirmed email from Plusnet)
4th Order: Placed  20-2-2015 Phone call confirmed install date of 25-2-2015 Cancelled by Plusnet at half past 8 the night before. (They did decide to leave a voicemail 30 mins before call centre shuts.)
5th Order: Placed 25-2-2015 Order placed by Plusnet NOT me (Somehow they know when Im home) Cancelled AGAIN!!!!!!!!!!!!
Can I ask, Is this standard practice for Plusnet? I keep being told this isnt standard, But Its clear from this forum, Im not the only one having to put up with it. Nearly 12 hours on the phone,  Im still no closer to having fibre fitted. As I`ve tried to give Plusnet every single chance to explain why this is happening, And Im bored of hearing the excuses from them now,  I`ve decided to make this farce public.
I`ve had 1 single CSR who actually knew what he was talking about. I knew plusnet became a joke when a CSR somehow managed to ping my router and inform me there was a NO problem with my service. Funny how he ping'd my router, it wasnt even switched on. LIAR. After constant attempts as to why this is happening to me, I decided to escilate it to a manager. What a huge mistake, Apparently a Telecommunications company CANT put me onto a manager. They need 4 hours to prepare their fairy tale. But in all fairness to Plusnet, They must of had a recent recruiment drive, As every manager came back with the following excuse. "The CSR is either new or just trained." Clearly training needs to be sorted out properly.
I managed to speak to a manager today at the same time as an "Online Chat," Manager on the telephone, "Your not bound by any contract as the contract hasnt started yet." Online Chat CSR, "Your contract started on the 10th". Whos wrong? I can post the chat logs from these conversations with plusnet online chat. My personel favourite is when the online chat CSR compared themselves to 999 emergency services, stating that paramedics and 999 operatives arent as important as doctors. Again I can upload the chat log. Now youd think you couldnt beat that, Today I received a voice mail for 4 minutes today from link:csa removed (Another Manager) laughing, Joking around and swearing. I`ll give you a clue [removed], Dont press redial and leave your microphone on. Again i`ve got this Voicemail from my phone and it can be uploaded for people to listen to. After informing Plusnet of what had happened and requested that [removed] DOESNT contact me, Guess who rings, [removed]. Sorry link:csa removedbut dont call me a [Censored] to your colleague and think you`ll get away with it. after ringing plusnet AGAIN about the disgusting voicemail i received, i was told that it was being looked into by another manager. when i asked if i would be getting an apology, i was told that it could be requested. i should not have to ring customer services and request an apology for the disgusting language and attitude shown on a voicemail left to me because someone cannot operate the off button on a microphone/headset. i would have thought out of common courtesy that an apology would have been the first thing they should have done. i am still waiting for that apology.
After trying to speak to [removed] Manager, ([removed]) I got another manager ringing me, After pointing out to that manager, That there wasnt much they could do as they arent [removed], I received another call from a manager call [removed]. After link:csa removeddecided to ring me, But decided that a voicemail wasnt good enough, I had to ring Plusnet again to find out what he wanted. After telling link:csa removedto go away and get himself upto date with the full events, He rings back at 4:20 PM, Informed him, Im busy making my kids tea, He rings back literally 5 minutes later asking im now free. (Im NOT a fast food restaurant.)
Anyway after all the stunts that plusnet have pulled, I decided to email the "CEO Andy Baker"  informing him of what has happened, and Asking why [removed] is NOT getting into contact with me. Im still waiting for a reply from him. He probably wont contact me, As I have loads more of these plusnet stunts with evidence, Including being told to "Deal with it." from CSR. All the claims above can be backed up with evidence, So come on Plusnet, Do us proud, like you claim.
Just decided to run a speedtest AGAIN. 14Mbs apparently OFF-PEAK at 6:24AM
<a href=""><img src="" /></a>
[Moderator's note by Adie (dvorak) removed staff members names and email address and avoidance of swear filter.
Plusnet Help Team
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Re: how many times can plusnet cancel an appointment?

From looking through your account you've had a bad experience and I really am sorry to see that.
Our Head of Customer Service will be in touch with you today to discuss the issues.
After the 3rd of November I will have a limited presence here as I have moved to a new role
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 Matthew Wheeler
 Plusnet Help Team
Posts: 59
Registered: ‎26-02-2015

Re: how many times can plusnet cancel an appointment?

A phone call would of been helpful. What I have received from her however is an email stating she has tried to ring me and left a voicemail on my mobile phone... The only problem is that the mobile number she has quoted is not my mine, has never been mine, and is nowhere close to a number I have ever used. So now I'd like to know where she has plucked that number from, and what exactly was on the voicemail she has obviously left on someone else's phone. She clearly hasn't checked taken it from my account as my mobile number is on there. Hence why I got a horrible voicemail left by a so called 'manager', which by the way I am still waiting for an apology
More plusnet lies. Why doesnt someone go and get andy baker off the golf course and get him to grow a spine, answer your emails. Your head of customer services told me to upload Mike swearing on the voicemail, how am i suppose to do that if you keep editing my posts?
Anyway 11M/b according to your head of custer services
<a href=""><img src="" /></a>
@Matthew Wheeler, Plusnet keep saying sorry, So what makes you any different than the liars I`ve already spoken to?
Posts: 59
Registered: ‎26-02-2015

Re: how many times can plusnet cancel an appointment?

6th Order: Placed for 12-3-2015 Who booked that one? I didnt Again no email, no confirmation, Its me having to chase you lot again.
Posts: 59
Registered: ‎26-02-2015

Re: how many times can plusnet cancel an appointment?

7th Order Placed 3-3-2015 (Placed my ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!) In all fairness to plusnet, I spoken to an amazing CSR tonight at 6:50PM A credit to Plusnet, Why cant all calls me as simple as that? Now lets see if it gets confirmed tomorrow, and then lets see if they actually turn up. Anyway to find out who I spoken to?
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Re: how many times can plusnet cancel an appointment?

Hi oooBEXooo,
You spoke with Jenny who is on our supplier time. I have the pleasure of sitting near her. I'll be sure to pass on your wonderful feedback - thank you!
I'm really sorry you're experiencing all these issues. I'd like to assure you again that we are working to resolve this as quickly as possible and your continued patience, understanding and co-operation is greatly appreciated.
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 Alex D
 Plusnet Help Team
Posts: 7
Registered: ‎26-02-2015

Re: how many times can plusnet cancel an appointment?

I feel your pain Bex. Three cancelations so far. Trying for a fourth  Angry
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Re: how many times can plusnet cancel an appointment?

Hi Guys,
Do not assume that PLUSNET cancels anything, it is their supplier cancelling!

Superusers are not staff, but they do have a direct line of communication into the business in order to raise issues, concerns and feedback from the community.

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Re: how many times can plusnet cancel an appointment?

Has anyone offered an explanation as to why Openreach have been persistently cancelling the order?
Clearly the new provisioning system is still not flagging these issues to the right people (if at all).
Posts: 59
Registered: ‎26-02-2015

Re: how many times can plusnet cancel an appointment?

After returning home at 1 PM on the 3.3.2015, Turned out that the engineer had already been, But this time DISCONNECTED my line. So eventaully after another 3 hours on the Phone, And again tech support confimring there isnt any issue with my line. So no issue with my line but every other department accepted, that the engineer had clearly been to the green box and switched us off. Received a phone call at 7PM from the engineer saying he was returning our call. NEVER RANG HIM. He confirmed that BT can sort the problem, He wasnt interested and put the phone down. Received So many promises from Plusnet that the engineers will ring today, Again never happened, and surprise surprise another engineer had been to my house. Been in ALL DAY LONG. NO engineer. Fast forward to 10:30AM, My old connection gets switched back on so Im now back to where I started minus god knows how much money for child care to ensure im in for the appoinments. Id like to give a special thank-you to the 2 people I spoke to yesterday whos solution was to leave and get my MAC code, Not fix the problem. Offered a self install kit today after 7 failed attemps to install. No mention of any compensation so congratulations PLUSNET YOU WIN. I`ve requested my MAC code. Cheers for turning extremely happy customers who have recommended Plusnet to multiple people, and raved about the good support. To people that wouldnt recommend you ever again to anyone. Its amazing how a company can turn loyal customers to people that literally want nothing to do with them anymore, You managed it in under a month. So well done and please hurry up with my MAC code.
  Im still waiting for that manager that left the voicemail laughing and swearing to actually say sorry. You wouldnt think all this stemed from 10-2-2015 and me asking whats wrong with my connection. Which turns out there was a line fault that re-connected at 4.30AM on the 11-2-2015. AGAIN THANK-YOU. I have a feeling I wont be getting my customer survey questionaire. I will be forwarding all this information onto Ofcom because nobody should have to be out of pocket and treated like this. As a WARNING to NEW CUSTOMERS, I`ve been a customer for 2 years, and I really wouldnt recommend this service to anybody unless your into being swore at, Lied to, Wasting your own time, Money and effort. Even getting a MAC code to leave isnt straight forward. 
Im openly asking the moderators/plusnet staff  to find out why this has happened to us. Not come back with the same generic reply of "Someone will contact you." This is your chance to put in writing why this is happening to your customers. You cant blame BT/Open world for the promises you make and fail to keep to. I cant wait for the answer to this question. If you edit peoples names out on threads, Why when it comes to credit do you keep the plusnet staff names still visable? There is clearly examples all over this thread of where you`ve done it.
Rising Star
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Re: how many times can plusnet cancel an appointment?

The Moderators are customers just like you and me and aren't employed by Plusnet. They also won't have any access to your account details.
With a bit of luck, one of the Digital Care Team will be on to try and explain why this nonsense has happened.
Hopefully you get it all sorted.
Posts: 59
Registered: ‎26-02-2015

Re: how many times can plusnet cancel an appointment?

Alright then plusnet staff. Either way im still waiting for the excuses sorry reason.
Rising Star
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Re: how many times can plusnet cancel an appointment?

Yup - I can totally sympathise with you reading the above.
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Re: how many times can plusnet cancel an appointment?

I'm going to be honest, this is the first time I've seen your account so I don't feel like I can comment at the moment on what's happened as I don't have a full background. I have asked for one of the team in tomorrow to pick this up and find out what's happened.
I will however say that I am sorry for the issues you've had so far, it certainly doesn't make for good reading and if you do leave I really do wish you all the best with your new ISP.
Former Plusnet Staff member. Posts after 31st Jan 2020 are not on behalf of Plusnet.
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Re: how many times can plusnet cancel an appointment?

Quote from: oooBEXooo
Im still waiting for that manager that left the voicemail laughing and swearing to actually say sorry.

If you still have that voicemail I'm sure one of the more senior CRT members would be interested in listening to it!