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Updating Windows 11 Pro Version

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Updating Windows 11 Pro Version

It has come to my notice that my PC is stuck on version 21/H2 and will not update.

Belarc Advisor comes up with two local user accounts:

1. local user account, which is active.

2. local system account: marked as disabled.

I am assumming that this is the problem stopping the update. Can any-one suggest how I fix this?

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Re: Updating Windows 11 Pro Version

In the past when I've had issues with updates I have used the Windows Update trouble-shooter found here

System >Troubleshoot >Other Trouble-shooters >Windows Update?

Have you used this and what does it report?

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Re: Updating Windows 11 Pro Version


Thanks Dan for coming back. Windows update works and reports that I am up to date.
I suspect that this is of my making over the years. I had removed the need to log in on start up and had been using another account with ‘admin’ privileges. It looks like these privileges do not include system updates. I have returned to needing to log in so that I can see all the accounts but found that the real admin account is corrupted.

Before I go any further I am going to clone the system disc just in case it all turns to rats. The last fresh install took a couple of days to sort out. Anyway, It’s an excuse to get a faster one..

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Re: Updating Windows 11 Pro Version


I've not had issues with Windows 10 with a 'standard' account not updating, as expected to change any settings or to install programs I have to enter Administrator Password when prompted. Both the administrator account and the standard user have to be logged in.

I only have one Windows 11 device and it's a HP laptop with one user which is my Microsoft account, this account is a administrator for the local user. I also have to login on this device.

Don't envy you rebuilding a PC from scratch, I use clonezilla for images and always keep a know good image to revert back to in times of trouble or before installing any new product I'm not sure about.

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Re: Updating Windows 11 Pro Version

If it's stuck on 21H2 (23H2 is current) is there a "compatibility" issue with W11 hardware requirements?

If it's an "older" machine and a few "tricks of the trade" have been used to install W11 on a notionally incompatible system it won't "upgrade" to either 22H2 or 23H2 and presumably not the approaching 24H2 (final W11 version?) without using the same/similar "tricks".

Maybe worth running the PC Health Check "App" to see if that flags anything?

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Re: Updating Windows 11 Pro Version


Just to put this topic to bed I have finally got around to sorting it out..

The fix was to download the latest version of Win 11 and save it on a USB memory stick, if I remember correctly I saved it as an .iso file but that might not be necessary.
I then booted the computer to the old version then run the new version from the setup.exe file on the memory stick..Among the options is one to repair/update windows leaving all other data and apps as they are..

This worked a treat, Windows updated leaving all apps and links to file storage on the separate data disk unaffected.

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Re: Updating Windows 11 Pro Version

Did it leave Moz stuff (Firefox and Tbird) alone?

If you are not running/using those I accept that you cannot answer that query.

My experience on similar?

I've previously run MS recovery/reset stuff (Win10) that promised to leave other data and apps as they were. But it didn't...

There's still some oddities in folder redirections/links in Windows as far as I'm concerned Smiley

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Re: Updating Windows 11 Pro Version


I don'y use Thunderbird. So far I have had no issues with Firefox.

Hopefully things have moved on since Win 10.

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Re: Updating Windows 11 Pro Version

@Baldrick1 Things haven't really moved at all, Windows 11 is at best Windows 10.1. I've noticed minimal significant differences.

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Re: Updating Windows 11 Pro Version

It's a l----o----n----g time since I last interacted with *ix

My opinion. Windows is leaving the arena of being an OS. It has too many applications (unnecessary 'features') embedded in it. Or 'close integration' as it used to be phrased?

Windows 'natural search' is (IMO) an utter joke.