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EOD: 14 July 2009

EOD: 14 July 2009

EOD: 14 July 2009

Hello all! It's Carl here, in the Technical Support Team. It's been a busy day today, but only a short EOD. Lets hear from James in Technical Support first: "Very busy day for calls today, but we've been pushing hard and tried to keep call wait times to a minimum, and not left anyone waiting too long. As always, a mixed bag of calls today, but most of them general run of the mill stuff. So from most to least common:- 1. Router config - Not sure if this is due to a jump in customers due to our new products introduced a few months ago, but seems were getting a lot of calls recently for help with the routers. Hopefully if the new easy setup testing goes well, this should be a thing of the past. 2. Email problems - Always a mixed area, whether problems sending, receiving or setting up. Mostly setup problems though. Don't forget that we have some truly excellent step-by-step guides on our web site, just put the name of your email client in the search bar at the top of our website and you are good to go. 3. Fault updates - Obviously a frustrating time when you have a fault, so always quite a high contender in our top 5 calls. No particularly high fault volumes at the moment, so seems were keeping on top of this nicely. 4. New faults - Mostly authentication faults at the moment, though still getting a good few sync faults. Bit of a turnaround in recent weeks as sync always used to be top of the pile here. 5. Billing - Still getting a good few calls for billing issues, though many of these still stemming from the change in home phone, and the separate billing of call charges in the first month. So, as I speak, the calls are trailing off earlier than normal for a Tuesday, and looks like we should be in for a steady night." Thanks James. You were wrong though, we still have a steady amount of calls! Next up is the ever lovely Mand from Comms: "Howdy After a day working from home yesterday I'm back into the swing of things in the office. I've been trawling through some Home Phone accounts, changing things where necessary, and continued work on our sekrit projekt (not long to go 'til we can tell you 'bout that ). I also shouted at some CSC agents under the guise of managing the floor. Wink James and Chris have been working on our Easy Setup Trial. Which is going very well since you ask. James called the customers to check. Bob did Change Controls, Service Status, Twitter, and some DNS investigation. He's also putting the rest of us to shame by continuing the 'Healthy Bob' campaign. Doesn't make him any less angry though. Matt's being a faults ninja, helping out our CSC colleagues. It's rather quiet round here without him. Anyway, that's all from me. Have a good one." Thank you Mand. Like I said, a short one today, so I am back off to answer your technical queries! See you all soon, Carl.

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