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EOD: 20th July 2009

EOD: 20th July 2009

EOD: 20th July 2009

Hello Readers! 40 years ago, man landed on the moon.  Today we're over the moon as England have taken a 1-0 lead in the Ashes with three tests to go. That was a tenuous link wasn't it! - while I try to think of something better, here's todays sole EOD entry from Mark of the Web Team.

Hi everyone! It's Mark here, reporting from the little corner of the development team that's responsible for web development. What's today been about? Well, over the weekend we moved to a new code change management platform, called Git. No honest! It really is called Git, and it isn't a slur against the author, ‘Kernel Linux’ himself, Linus Torvalds. It's an exciting time (in the same way that moving house is exciting.) The way we all handle any changes we make to web pages, scripts, and code is now done differently. I've not had much hands-on experience with Git, but Windows the client I use features a turtle somersaulting through the air when you make a change. That works for me! Otherwise it's been business as usual, only a tad busier. Integration of our big project continues successfully. Right now, our QA testing comrades are testing our changes, raising bug tickets when problems are found. So everyones aim, over the next few days, will be to reduce the list of bugs to zero. Right, back to bug fixing.... Toodle pip

Thank you Mark, and thank you readers! See you next time!

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