Good morning good morning good morning... It's been a while since I edited the end of week, only doing these posts once a week means it doesn't come round as often now, although Andy has been asking me to be Ed for the past 3 weeks and I've always come up with some lazy excuse as to why I can't do it, but I couldn't think of anything this week
Thankfully though it's Friday now and nearly time to go home. It's been a very busy week here as usual (shouldn't use that word though) and at the time of writing this I've no submissions for the End of Week. So I will have to entertain myself whilst waiting for someone to post (I did ask for submissions before 5pm and it's now 5:03pm and I'm out of here in 27 minutes). I'll therefore start with a bit of what's happening in networks, we've done a lot of work this week to improve performance on the network. Everyone has been putting in a lot of extra hours to try and resolve the issues that customers are seeing. We've got a lot more work scheduled for next week and we'll start to see the benefit from migrations to our 21CN network next week as the first orders start to complete on Monday. 5:05pm and still no posts. Hmm.. What else can I say? Big derby game coming up this weekend, not had a bet with Luke this time around sadly... 5:10pm, nope nothing yet. Well, time to rally the troops, only 20 minutes to offski time. 5:20pm, clock is ticking... 5:25pm, yay we have a post, it's QA, thanks Catherine:
Even though I've only been back at work for three days after a much needed break, this week still seems as though it's been a long one! Perhaps that's due to the cold I've been fighting off. Still, time has gone relatively quickly what with the usual round of problems, problem investigation and problem fixes. It's always pleasing to see some of the bugs we've been faced with for a little while get a resolution rolled live. The rest of the team have been busy too, with project work, preparations for the upcoming VAT change and some other bits and bobs. Have a good weekend!
5:31pm and another just as I'm about to leave.. Andy from the team formally known as Comms, now Digital Care:
Hello there readers!
Tis Andrew reporting in from Digital Care. It's been a tad hectic this week, as evidenced by Bobs response when i asked what he'd been up to: (17:14:56) Andrew Bunker: Gimme some EOW details COMMS! (17:14:57) Bob Pullen: [Auto-Response] Busy (Work) Bob did eventually pull through though... (17:16:24) Bob Pullen: keeping on top of network performance updates/ frontpage got decommissioned earlier in the week (17:16:32) Bob Pullen: change control reviews Unfortunately Mand has gone home early so I can't ask her but I do know that she's been working hard juggling many projects and problems. And Chris? Well let's see... (17:14:56) Andrew Bunker: Gimme some EOW details COMMS! (17:15:13) Chris Parr: writing emails, working on problems, tweeting, forummmming Matt (or Orbrey if you're a member of the forum massive) has been on annual leave for the last few days, the lucky lad! So that leaves me.. I've been working on consolidating our support pages to make it easier to find the information you want. As of about 30 minutes ago, all the Broadband Speed information we have (including Traffic Management stuff) can now be found in one handy section. There's other stuff I'm working on, but it's not ready yet - you'll find out soon enough It might end up as a one week only job, but I'm going to resurrect the random link. Today we hear the heart-warming story of Dog vs Squirrel, and the tree rat won! Have a goood weekend everyone... That's all for today...