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End of Week: 4th December 2009

End of Week: 4th December 2009

End of Week: 4th December 2009

Hello readers! Good evening or morning to you, (depending on when you read this! ;)) We're now officially in December, I sit in the CSC and every day more and more Christmas decorations are appearing around the room.  I'll see if we can get a picture up at some point in the next week.  Whilst on that topic, if your broadband starts to drop at this time of year, it might be your lights, it sounds a bit silly but it's true! So what have the good people of Plusnet been up to? Speak to members of Marketing, Development, Web Dev and Digital Care and they'll in unison say: VAT VAT VAT VAT VAT VAT.  Needless to say we're working hard to get things in order for January 2010! If you were to speak to Barbara in HR, she'd say:

Administering Levelling process Busy doing HR KPI’s Continued with Best Companies Questionnaire Dealing with Difficult Situations – a training workshop mop-up session Ein applications Finance, HR and CS have their Xmas celebrations tonight - Got requisitions organised Holiday reports as we’re nearly into our last quarter Induction set up for new Joiners Kicked off update of our careers page Leaver processes put into place … … Zzzzz Think that will do for HR EOW!

If you were to pop over to the House Moves team and speak to Katie, she'd say:

It's been a very busy week in the House Moves team, everybody wanting to be settled in for Christmas. Most of us are getting in the Christmas spirit with all the decorations up, Andy has been slacking on the coffee rota but overall we have had a good week. We've been receiving excellent feedback recently from customers and team members keep cropping up in the recognition forums. We're all looking forward to the new members of the team joining us shortly, this will help with our very busy Mondays so we stay on track clearing ticket pools on a daily basis. If you're ringing to arrange a house move, please wish the scrooges on the team (Andy and Mark) a very Merry Christmas.

And that's about it for today, I was hoping for more but there you go! See you all next time.

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