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Thursday 21st May 2009

Thursday 21st May 2009

Thursday 21st May 2009

After I completely lost track of what month it was the last time I edited the End of Day this time I intend to try and get it right and ensure the End of Day is free of typos... but I'm sure having said that there will be plenty. Oh well, at least it's nearly the end of another week and another work closer to going on holiday (8 days and counting) and another week closer until Lost returns (about 8 months and counting). But before all that let's get on with the show and first today is Paul from the Customer Options Team:

Good afternoon from Paul in the customer options team.

Well, the end of another day and a day nearer to the bank holiday (good times!) the weather looks like it's going to be the typical bank holiday weather (bad times!). Here on the customer options and sales team it's been a relatively normal day, quite a change from the first three days of the week when it was busy. The main objective this week has been a little competition with a few good prizes on offer. The competition is based on customers signed up and customers retained and we find out the results tomorrow. Well I'd better get back to work and keep retaining I'm feeling lucky about tomorrow. Next is Jake from the CSC: Hey, we've had one of our busier days in the CSC today, and our top 5 calls of the day are:

1) Fault updates. We seem to have been getting more faults raised recently, the recent thunderstorms haven't helped and so we've been working with the Faults team helping with these as much as possible. 2) Provisioning updates. Calls to check on router delivery statuses and the migrations and orders themselves have been coming through today, and also lots of calls for Home Phone order updates. 3) Fault Raising. Customers with no syncronisation to the exchange and intermittency often can't raise tickets and so this means there's not really any alternative other than to call us. 4) Router config. Could be people buying routers in Spring sales, though there seemed to be a few Linksys setups today so I reckon there might have been a silent firmware update recently. 5) Email client config. Mainly lending a hand setting up Outloook and Outlook Express.

Hope a nice evening for you, bye for now.

Last today is Chris from the Comms Team:

Just a quick one from us today as it's getting close to the end of the day.

I've been about on Twitter, in the forums and doing some daily process work. Mand's been looking at problems and having a task cleanup. James has been lowering SNRs and posting in the forums. Matt and Bob have gone home, not together I don't think.

Here's your commic for the day.

Have a good evening.

And that's all for today, time to head home. Before I go a plug for a fantastic cheese shop in the Yorkshire town of Haworth.  Had the good fortune to stop there this weekend, my sister and I bought plenty of cheese including some Vampire's Doom, a cheese with garlic and parsley. Very nice. On that note time to go, but we'll be back once more before the bank holiday weekend tomorrow evening.

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