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Tuesday 17th March

Tuesday 17th March

Tuesday 17th March

Good evening and welcome to EOD! I'm back at the grindstone after a rather relaxing week off.  It's amazing how quickly you can forget about early mornings when you have a week off work. Before getting into the meat of the update, happy St Patrick's day to all our Irish readers! - hope you're all having a good day. Over to Comms and here we have Mand...

Howdy, It's been a pretty quiet day for me today, as I've been working from home, keeping my germs to myself. James is still on holiday, so I assume he's been playing video games and/or drinking beer. Bob and Chris have been helping out with some email issues following the rather large piece of migration work we did on the MAAF platform over the last couple of weeks. Matt has been in the forums and 'writing an email', very cryptic. I have been working on problems, a plan for an upcoming project, and a few conference calls. That's it from us today, more Comm-ic fun for you here Have a good one, Mand

Short and sweet today, so Mark's Web Team musings finish things off nicely...

It’s Mark here, Cead míle fáilte* from the Web Development team! We're hoping you're having a great St Patrick's Day, with lots of dancing, drinking and err... potatoes? Once again our canteen failed to serve up complimentary pints of Guinness, but we're not bitter - the Thai Curry was pretty nice. So what in the world of Plusnet web development has been going on today? Well I’ve been doing email work, prodding some problems with a stick. At lunchtime, I spent about twenty minutes wishing I had Irish roots, my Welsh ones are far less fashionable… Nick “More email work, problems and work on Partner today for a nutshell (a tiny one, like a hazelnut)” Dan “Still working on some internal tools.” Thanks Dan, sounds gripping. Andy “Partner training material, and a small tweak to the Madasafish website that you tested for me Mark” So I did Andy! Jonathan “Chewing the cud and general musings, plus some secret things”. James and Phil are both sealed in a protective cocoon, whilst they complete work on an exciting development that remains hush-hush for the moment, but is going to be available to customers soon. Occasionally I see Phil beating on the walls of the cocoon. I had better get the QA team to drill some air holes. Sam has been working on visuals for a Partner related project, he’s also borrowed my iPod cable, so I think he’ll be listening to some music too. Team leader Jonny is in self-imposed exile, apparently it’s too hot in the Development team office. He’s conducting appraisal interviews somewhere within the labyrinth of Plusnet towers. Kelly “I've had to work from home today to look after my poorly girlfriend, but that means I've been able to get on with some presentation writing.” * Cead míle fáilte – translates to ‘A hundred thousand welcomes’. How generous are we?

That's all folks - see you soon.

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