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Confused by paperwork - Fibre vs Fibre 74?

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Confused by paperwork - Fibre vs Fibre 74?

I "think" I've signed up for a new (actually additional) line which is SOGEA/FTTC.

The initial "electronic" documents say the package is called just "Fibre" which seems to match what I'm expecting. Estimated speeds 36-49Mb, guaranteed 31.9Mb.

But today I received a PAPER  (yes really!) letter in the post via ROYAL MAIL (one of their very irregular once-or-twice a week deliveries, so it was dated about a week ago!) which was headed "Welcome to  Plusnet" and says my product is Fibre 74.

I though Fibre 74 was FTTP only? There is no FTTP in my area whatsoever, though adjacent exchanges are awash..... 🙄

Is this just PNs ordering systems getting a bit confused (or staff typos)? or do they know something I don't?

The Full Monty
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Re: Confused by paperwork - Fibre vs Fibre 74?

@HPsauce I may be wrong, but I believe SoGEA FTTC is up to a max of 80Mb/s - confusingly called 'Fibre 74' by PN - if your line can provide it. Obviously, yours can't, hence why they quote you the estimated speeds they do, based on the distance from the FTTC cab, and therefore your 'last mile' - delivered over the copper.

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Re: Confused by paperwork - Fibre vs Fibre 74?

Well, yes @jab1 that's what I assumed, but Fibre 74 does seem to be the product name for FTTP only. FTTC is called "Fibre".

You can get FTTP round here, but realistically only at commercial premises as it's a (very expensive) special request installation. Lots of work by OR running fibre up the dirty wet copper ducts!

Or maybe it's just a bit of "rebranding" where the left and right hands aren't quite in step! 🤣

The Full Monty
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Re: Confused by paperwork - Fibre vs Fibre 74?

I'll have to take your word for that, for the moment. I am not with PN, so don't look at their offerings.

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Re: Confused by paperwork - Fibre vs Fibre 74?

The FTTP product is called Full Fibre 74 to help avoid confusion no doubt!


Full Fibre 74

average download speed£24.99a month

increases 31 March

24 month contract
That said when I check my address where I can't get FTTP, it says I can get Fibre.
The Full Monty
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Re: Confused by paperwork - Fibre vs Fibre 74?

Fair enough, @Mustrum . Looks like, from what @HPsauce originally posted, that PN don't know what they are talking about - again.

Not applicable

Re: Confused by paperwork - Fibre vs Fibre 74?

Some screenshots to confirm what everyone is saying -

Plusnet Full Fibre 74.png

Plusnet Fibre.png

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Re: Confused by paperwork - Fibre vs Fibre 74?

And a snapshot of my letter today:


The Full Monty
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Re: Confused by paperwork - Fibre vs Fibre 74?

That is the wrong communication, @HPsauce - you are going onto SoGEA Fibre - NOT Full Fibre, which that letter, very mistakenly, says you are.

Not applicable

Re: Confused by paperwork - Fibre vs Fibre 74?

@HPsauce  - lets hope that Plusnet are providing you with a surprise free upgrade tomorrow Roll_eyes

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Re: Confused by paperwork - Fibre vs Fibre 74?

@jab1 @Anonymous  I somehow doubt I'll get FTTP, though that would be nice. I'm realistically expecting SOGEA/FTTC. 🤐

Maybe it is just PN rebranding the "Fibre" products as, I believe, there was a 40Mb limited product until recently, maybe still is for existing customers?

The Full Monty
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Re: Confused by paperwork - Fibre vs Fibre 74?

That is what you will get - as you say, Full Fibre isn't available to you.

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Re: Confused by paperwork - Fibre vs Fibre 74?


As far as I'm aware PN only have one FTTC product on SOGEA which is called Fibre. It's provisioned at the best available speed "up to 80"


As mentioned their FTTP product is called Full Fibre and the basic speed is FF74


Marketing people do not seem to understand the concept of confusion.



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Re: Confused by paperwork - Fibre vs Fibre 74?

@bmc Yes, that's exactly my understanding, hence the confusion.

So, what do we think Fibre 74 actually is? 🤔

The Full Monty
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Re: Confused by paperwork - Fibre vs Fibre 74?

@HPsauce It is the 'entry level' - basic/minimum Full Fibre service offered by the PN brand.
