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Disappointed to say the least

Posts: 1
Registered: ‎12-09-2023

Disappointed to say the least

Signed up to plus net broadband on 21/07/23 for installation date on 04/08/23, however this was delayed until 05/08/23. I was not told that the 04/08/23 appointment was only provisional. As I did not check my emails clearly, they confirmed the appointment on 05/08/23. I assumed they confirmed the appointment for the same day (04th), I would advise they should make it clear, such as a email should word ‘Apologies, we are extremely busy on the 4th, your appointment has now been moved to the 5th, if this is a problem, please get in touch’.

Engineer arrived on the 5th and advised ducting was blocked and advised that they will arrange for another team to come and assess alternative options. I had made it extremely clear to this engineer that I did not want any work doing unless I was on premises so I could agree to said works, which he had noted on the account.

I received an email from openreach on 06/08/23 to say that an appointment was booked for 08/08/23, AND that I did not have to be home. I thought this was the them coming to assess the site, however it was later found that it was to dig up my drive. I had moved the appointment to the following day 09/08/23 when I was home. Had I have not done that, they would have digged up my drive by my front door without my permission, causing massive damage and devalue the property. On arrival on the 09/08/23, the engineers was to dig up the tarmac drive and do a patch repair when they was done, of course I refused due to the reasons mentioned above.

I suggested, they are to dig up the lawn instead which will cause much less damage which is roughly 50cm to the right of where they wanted to dig the tarmac, which they have done with other houses on the estate including my neighbours.
The engineers said this would be possible however they would have to liase with the office and book me back in. I have continuously chased plus net since, additional appointments had been booked, meaning taking more time off work, however no further progress has been made. I usually work from home, which has been extremely difficult. Various promises for internet to be installed/ call backs missed from Plus Net. Latest update receive ( or shall I say a lack of a update) from plus net on 11/09/23 and they want to update me again on 27/09/23, seriously 16 days?! Is this ever going to be resolved???
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Registered: ‎06-04-2007

Re: Disappointed to say the least

Moderator's note(s):

Thread moved from Plusnet Feedback to My Order.

Forum Moderator and Customer
Courage is resistance to fear, mastery of fear, not absence of fear - Mark Twain
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Plusnet Alumni (retired)
Plusnet Alumni (retired)
Posts: 361
Fixes: 25
Registered: ‎02-05-2023

Re: Disappointed to say the least

Hi @Dnboy3 I'm sorry for the delay in getting your full fibre up and running. I can see you've emailed our High Level Escalation team and you've now been assigned a case handler from our Advocates team. You can view the open complaint and you can reply via this link 

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 Claudia Garner
 Plusnet Help Team