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EOD 5th June

EOD 5th June

EOD 5th June

Hello Readers! It's been a while since I've done this and it feels like a while since I've been in work - I've been off most of this week ill Sad Enough about me though, I don't want to bog the EOD down with moaning, so on with the show! First we've got Barbara from HR, who's mixing it up this week with a countdown format...

HR - EOW for us goes in a nutshell: 7 Organising the Upgrade of our HR System 6 L&D Initiatives ‘v’ Performance PDP Needs 5 Initiating PDP Review for 0910 4 Lots of Recruitment Organisation 3 Developing Reward Strategies 2 Labour Tracker 1 KPI’s Regards Barbs

Short and sweet, thanks Barbs! - I'll try and find out what some of those abbreviations mean for next week!

Next, Finally here's John from Business Support Short one today... I assume the team have been working their hardest on the usualy calls, tickets and faults... I've had my head buried in PSTN orders and feel like I've listened to Openreach's IVR a million times today so haven't noticed what folks have been doing. Have a good weekend everyone.. hope the rain stops for what ever your upto! John x

Thanks John! That's all for today and the week - see you soon!

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