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Wednesday 29th April

Wednesday 29th April

Wednesday 29th April

Hello Readers! I was going to open with another song quote about how hot it's been here, but I'm too hot to do so!  This is because I work in the Dev Dungeon where the air-con has a mind of it's own. Straight into the EOD cos I want to get out into the open air, James from Comms is first...

Greetings from your Comms Team. It's been a sweltering day in the office today and it's been quite nice outside too! Bob's been doing his bit of problem management, Network change controls coupled with some forum and twitter posting. Matt's been emailing some Madasafish customers as well as writing a new "Best Practice". Chris has continued to write his multi-part blog as well as monitoring our forums and preparing some forthcoming Comms that you'll see before long. Mand's been mainly in meetings and complaining about the heat. I meanwhile, have posted a blog about blogging! As well as keeping up with all the goings-on in our forums. Have a nice evening and I hope it's nice and pleasant where you are too! Not forgetting your daily Comm-ic intake: Link James

Next we have Rys of Dev...

It's been one of those days down in Dev today. Way too hot because of the sunshine, we discovered that the aircon for the floor has been running off a wonky timer. It kicks in from 7am-7pm, but at 2pm ish, all hot and bothered, we realised that the system thought it was midnight and wasn't even on. It's since been prodded in to life but it's still irritable, at least in my part of the office. Therefore concentration today, at least for me, has been patchy at best. I'm working on the back end of an email configuration system for one of our vISPs, which has meant asking for advice from our chief architect on how applications organise and perform their file I/O on the cluster, as I work on the class that's responsible for persisting email content and meta-data to the disk. Work on that vISP consumes almost everyone else on the floor as we bang up on a deadline, with the pressure and heat meaning a few of us are off out for a beer shortly after I submit this EOD post. Here's hoping the air-con can keep up tomorrow.

So that's what the problem is!  Here's hoping indeed! Finally we have Alice from The Happy Prov Team

Hi from a happy Prov Team. It's a sunny Wednesday in Sheffield and we are halfway through the week. It was a good start to the day as we have Hayleigh back on our team, she has been off for a few days and has jumped feet first back into work as well as bringing laughter and fun to the office. Throughout the day there has been a slight distraction of the sounds of building work vibrating through our floor, however this has not dampened our spirits. Most of our team, including Rob and Mark, have managed to hit target before the end of the day creating a competitive air to our table. I have been busy upgrading some of our customers accounts to the 21CN Trial this afternoon. We have had some new people join us temporarily on our prov team to help with the magnitude of extra work which we appreciate greatly. Nearly home time now so see ya, bye

Home Time indeed - I'm off home to hope that tonights Champions League game is a tad more entertaining than last nights effort! Have a good evening, see you soon.

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